Difference: DuckyUserInterfaceBuilderProposal (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32006-02-06 - DuckySherwood

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META TOPICPARENT name="DuckyHomework"

User Interface Builder Proposal


Revision 22006-02-06 - DuckySherwood

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META TOPICPARENT name="DuckyHomework"

User Interface Builder Proposal

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Aspectized GUI Builder

Team members: Sukesh Chopra, Sebastian Streg, Kaitlin Duck Sherwood (Ducky)

Project overview: We will develop an aspectized GUI builder, allowing users to drag and drop interface widgets onto a canvas, then reposition/size them and edit their properties. Users will also be able to export the interface as Java code. While we do not expect to convert an existing code base, we might look to existing GUI builders for inspiration.

The GUI will be aspectized. This means that both

  • the code that draws the GUI components will use AspectJ and AOP techniques instead of the traditional event-based mechanism, and
  • the code that the GUI builder spits out will be AspectJ code (instead of vanilla Java code).

  • @@@ tool will input AspectJ code? Where?

We will probably not do a great deal of design of the user interface, instead borrowing layout and features from existing GUIs. Jvider and Glade, for example, both have reasonable UIs.

Personal expertise:

  • Ducky has ten to fifteen years of industrial programming experience in C, Perl, Smalltalk, and (to a lesser extent), Python. While she doesn't have a lot of experience in Java, she recently took an OOP class in Java. Her class projects were GUI-intensive.
  • Sebastian
  • Sukesh


  • 6 Feb: hand in proposal
  • 12 Feb: Source code repository set up. Detailed task assignments done.
  • 26 Feb: Absolutely minimal GUI minimally functional canvas, containers, labels, and buttons can be placed and moved around, one property apiece can be
  • 5 Mar: Simple controls fleshed out: all properties of containers, labels, and buttons can be set; canvas can be exported to AspectJ.
  • 12 Mar: check boxes, radio buttons, combo boxes, text entry, list boxes fully working
  • 19 Mar: trees fully functional, last minute disasters
  • 26 Mar: last-minute disasters, project writeup
  • 3-5 Apr: Project presentation

Revision 12006-02-05 - DuckySherwood

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META TOPICPARENT name="DuckyHomework"

User Interface Builder Proposal

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