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META TOPICPARENT name="Research"

A) In the MMCN paper, we had the experiment where we ran N videos in a single QStream process. We could look at values 1..N such that CPU never becomes saturated. For each case, we can compute the average CPU requirement per video (total CPU time / N). If this average rises, we might argue that the increases represent the overhead of "application level switching" (i.e. the event-loop). I expect this overhead to be low or negligble, but you never know.

Now we look at the data as N increases well into the range of CPU saturation. Based on the assumption that user-level switching is significantly cheaper than kernel context-switching, these numbers give us a kind of best-case bound on kernel-scheduling performance, both in terms of throughput and responsiveness. We measure throughput by the overall average frame rate. We measure responsiveness directly for every deadline in the application (already implemented). (i.e. we measure difference between the actual service time and the deadline time originally requested).

B) Then we have worst-case baseline. We run N QStream processes, playing 1 video each, with the stock Linux scheduler. We have done these experiments, but they were not part of the MMCN paper and our analysis of the results is ongoing. What I expect here is to see a small, perhaps even negligble impact on througput, but serious degradation of responsiveness as N drives into the CPU saturation zone. We definitely see the latter, but we need to go over the data to verify the former. This is worst case in that it has the worst inbalance of throughput over responsiveness.

Notice that there may be cases of kernel scheduler pre-emption here, but I think they will be relatively infrequent (possibly negligble) because of the kernel's conservative default timeslice parameters. I think we should be able to use existing Linux tracing tools, or perhaps do some simple instrumentation of our own in the kernel, to verify the context switch behaviour. In fact, I think it will be valuable to measure the number of context switches, and the number of pre-emptive context swtiches for all of these experiments. We should measure the number of systems calls too.

Abishek, perhaps setting up this instrumentation will be a good task for you. You can have Ani show you how to run experiments A and B. Then modify them to include the above measurements.

C) Next, we have the Linux Real-Time + application-level EDF. If this works as planned, I expect to see significant improvement in responsiveness, but a decrease in throughput. As you point out, we will need to be careful to ensure it is work-conserving. This is pretty easy to verify for high values of N, since we can verify that CPU load is 100%. For lower values, we simply verify that the application is doing the same work (decode + display the same number of frames) as in A and B. My conjecture is that this experiment should be fully co-operative; i.e. the kernel should never actually pre-empt any of the processes, and all context switches should be the result of voluntary sleeping. So again relative to B), we should see a marked increase in the number of context switches, equal rate of system calls, and still see a negligble amount of pre-emptions.

This case marks the logical extreme of responsiveness over throughput.

D) We do Linux Real-Time + application-level periodic scheduling. I only just realized from our discussion that doing this probably makes sense, maybe more than EDF. Implementing this should be a simple modification of the application-level yielding mechanism. Now we just round-robin every X milliseconds. So instead of sleeping until our next deadline, we sleep until our next period. By increasing values of X, we should be able to measure a trade-off between responsiveness and througput. Again, there should be no pre-emptions. Context-switch rate should be constant for each experiment, i.e. a function of N and X. For each X, responsiveness should be bounded by an amount proportional to X, and average throughput should improve as X increases.

This represents a range of throughput-responsiveness points. At one end, as X gets small, responsiveness will reach a floor comparable to the level of C) (although throughput will continue to decrease). At the other end, as X gets large, throughput will plateau, probably comparable to B).

In C and D, the accuracy of the kernel timer mechanism will matter (i.e. default 4ms vs 1ms vs hrt). I don't think it really matters too much for A or B.

E) We modify Linux to have short timeslices [basically doing kernel periodic scheduling for all processes]. We run QStream without Real-Time or cross process co-operation. This provides our first opportunity to measure the cost of pre-emptive context switches, vs plain context switches. We should be able to observe the same type of trends as D, but there should be some througput skew relative to D because now almost all context switches should be pre-emptive. If there is no skew, then this would invalidate the conjecture that voluntary switching is significantly better than involuntary switching. It also tells us something about the cost of policing.

If analsyis of C) D) and E) justifies it, we may also try this:

F) A hybrid between C and D. Can we improve by using deadlines and periods together? The idea here would be to do some minimum batching of deadlines inside QStream (to reduce the context-switch rate relative to C), but make yields more strategic than D) because we still take some advantage of knowing others' deadlines. This modifies C) because a process does not necissarily advertize its next deadline when it yields, but instead it advertizes the first deadline that falls into the next period (X millisecond window), or after. So the throughput should be equal to D) but maybe responsiveness will improve (?). I think this will only help if ratio of deadlines to periods is small. Perhaps we will think of some more effective ideas for a hybrid approach. -- AnirbanSinha - 22 Aug 2006

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