

  glGetBooleanv, glGetDoublev, glGetFloatv, glGetIntegerv - return the value
  or values of a selected parameter

C Specification

  void glGetBooleanv( GLenum pname,
		      GLboolean	*params	)

C Specification

  void glGetDoublev( GLenum pname,
		     GLdouble *params )

C Specification

  void glGetFloatv( GLenum pname,
		    GLfloat *params )

C Specification

  void glGetIntegerv( GLenum pname,
		      GLint *params )


  pname	  Specifies the	parameter value	to be returned.	 The symbolic
	  constants in the list	below are accepted.

  params  Returns the value or values of the specified parameter.


  These	four commands return values for	simple state variables in GL. pname
  is a symbolic	constant indicating the	state variable to be returned, and
  params is a pointer to an array of the indicated type	in which to place the
  returned data.

  Type conversion is performed if params has a different type than the state
  variable value being requested.  If glGetBooleanv is called, a floating-
  point	or integer value is converted to GL_FALSE if and only if it is zero.
  Otherwise, it	is converted to	GL_TRUE.  If glGetIntegerv is called, Boolean
  values are returned as GL_TRUE or GL_FALSE, and most floating-point values
  are rounded to the nearest integer value.  Floating-point colors and
  normals, however, are	returned with a	linear mapping that maps 1.0 to	the
  most positive	representable integer value, and -1.0 to the most negative
  representable	integer	value.	If glGetFloatv or glGetDoublev is called,
  Boolean values are returned as GL_TRUE or GL_FALSE, and integer values are
  converted to floating-point values.

  The following	symbolic constants are accepted	by pname:

  GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS	   params returns one value, the number	of alpha
			   bitplanes in	the accumulation buffer.

  GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS	   params returns one value, the number	of blue
			   bitplanes in	the accumulation buffer.

  GL_ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE	   params returns four values: the red,	green, blue,
			   and alpha values used to clear the accumulation
			   buffer.  Integer values, if requested, are
			   linearly mapped from	the internal floating-point
			   representation such that 1.0	returns	the most
			   positive representable integer value, and -1.0
			   returns the most negative representable integer
			   value.  See glClearAccum.

  GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS	   params returns one value, the number	of green
			   bitplanes in	the accumulation buffer.

  GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS	   params returns one value, the number	of red
			   bitplanes in	the accumulation buffer.

  GL_ALPHA_BIAS		   params returns one value, the alpha bias factor
			   used	during pixel transfers.	 See glPixelTransfer.

  GL_ALPHA_BITS		   params returns one value, the number	of alpha
			   bitplanes in	each color buffer.

  GL_ALPHA_SCALE	   params returns one value, the alpha scale factor
			   used	during pixel transfers.	 See glPixelTransfer.

  GL_ALPHA_TEST		   params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			   whether alpha testing of fragments is enabled.
			   See glAlphaFunc.

  GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC	   params returns one value, the symbolic name of the
			   alpha test function.	 See glAlphaFunc.

  GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF	   params returns one value, the reference value for
			   the alpha test.  See	glAlphaFunc.  An integer
			   value, if requested,	is linearly mapped from	the
			   internal floating-point representation such that
			   1.0 returns the most	positive representable
			   integer value, and -1.0 returns the most negative
			   representable integer value.

  GL_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH	   params returns one value, the depth of the
			   attribute stack.  If	the stack is empty, zero is
			   returned.  See glPushAttrib.

  GL_AUTO_NORMAL	   params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			   whether 2-D map evaluation automatically generates
			   surface normals.  See glMap2.

  GL_AUX_BUFFERS	   params returns one value, the number	of auxiliary
			   color buffers.

  GL_BLEND		   params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			   whether blending is enabled.	 See glBlendFunc.

  GL_BLEND_DST		   params returns one value, the symbolic constant
			   identifying the destination blend function.	See

  GL_BLEND_SRC		   params returns one value, the symbolic constant
			   identifying the source blend	function.  See

  GL_BLUE_BIAS		   params returns one value, the blue bias factor
			   used	during pixel transfers.	 See glPixelTransfer.

  GL_BLUE_BITS		   params returns one value, the number	of blue
			   bitplanes in	each color buffer.

  GL_BLUE_SCALE		   params returns one value, the blue scale factor
			   used	during pixel transfers.	 See glPixelTransfer.

  GL_CLIP_PLANEi	   params returns a single Boolean value indicating
			   whether the specified clipping plane	is enabled.
			   See glClipPlane.

  GL_COLOR_ARRAY_EXT	   params returns a single boolean value, indicating

Transfer interrupted!