CPSC 532E – Seminar Presentations

Seminars are generally given at the beginning of each week (Mondays). 

1. At the beginning of each seminar class, students will hand in a hardcopy of five questions about the material being covered that day.  (Participation mark will be based in part on these.)  Questions can be about anything relevant—e.g., the psychological research described in the paper, the applications to information visualization or graphics, or the visualization or interface tasks that were covered in the readings.

2. A presentation will then be given by one of the students in the class. Presentations will be 35-45 minutes long, and cover the assigned readings for that class.  Presentations must touch on both the psychological research, and possible applications to interface design / information visualization / computer graphics.

3. Following the seminar, there will be a general discussion of the topic, based on the questions that have been submitted.  (Participation mark will also be based in part on people’s contributions to these discussions.)


NOTE TO PRESENTERS: Please send me the powerpoint file of your seminar at least 12 hours before the class so that I can make notes available for the class.  (These will be posted on the web page for that seminar.)


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