Class ConvexPolyhedron

  extended byvclip.ConvexPolyhedron

public class ConvexPolyhedron
extends java.lang.Object

A convex polyhedron.

Brian Mirtich (C++ version), Eddy Boxerman, John E. Lloyd (Java port)
See Also:
Copyright information

Constructor Summary
          Creates an empty ConvexPolyhedron, which should then be initialized (such as with a call to scan).
ConvexPolyhedron(double[] coords, int[][] faceIndices)
          Constructs a polyhedron given a list of vertices and a list of face indices.
ConvexPolyhedron(javax.vecmath.Point3d[] vlist, int[][] faceIndices)
          Constructs a polyhedron given a list of vertices and a list of face indices.
ConvexPolyhedron( reader, boolean namedFormat)
          Constructs a ConvexPolyhedron by reading information from the supplied reader.
ConvexPolyhedron( stok, boolean namedFormat)
          Constructs a ConvexPolyhedron by reading information from a StreamTokenizer.
Method Summary
static ConvexPolyhedron createBox(double wx, double wy, double wz)
static ConvexPolyhedron createCone(double rtop, double rbot, double h, int nsides)
static ConvexPolyhedron createCylinder(double r, double h, int nsides)
static ConvexPolyhedron createPrism(double[] xy, double h)
static ConvexPolyhedron createPrism(double[] xyTop, double[] xyBot, double h)
static ConvexPolyhedron createRoundedCylinder(double r, double h, int nslices)
static ConvexPolyhedron createSphere(double r, int nslices)
 Feature findFeature(java.lang.String name)
 Edge getEdge(int vidx1, int vidx2)
 Edge[] getEdges()
          Returns the edge features for this polyhedron.
 Face getFace(int idx)
 Face[] getFaces()
          Returns the face features for this polyhedron.
 Vertex getVert(int idx)
 Vertex[] getVerts()
          Returns the vertex features for this polyhedron.
 void hideEdges(int[] elist)
 void hideFaces(int[] flist)
 void hidePrismFace(int fi)
 void hideVerts(int[] vlist)
 int numFeatures()
          Returns the total number of features (vertices, edges, faces) on this polyhedron.
 void scan( reader)
          Sets the polyhedron using information obtained from a reader.
 void scan( stok)
          Sets the polyhedron using information obtained from a StreamTokenizer.
 void scanNamedFormat( reader)
          Sets the polyhedron using information obtained from a reader.
 void scanNamedFormat( stok)
          Sets the polyhedron using information obtained from a StreamTokenizer.
 void set(double[] coords, int[][] faceIndices)
          Sets this polyhedron given a list of vertices and a list of face indices.
 void set(javax.vecmath.Point3d[] vlist, int[][] faceIndices)
          Sets this polyhedron given a list of vertices and a list of face indices.
 java.lang.String sprintf()
          Outputs a string representation of this polyhedron, using the format used by scan(Reader).
 java.lang.String sprintfNamedFormat()
          Outputs a string representation of this polyhedron, using the format used by scanNamedFormat(Reader).
 java.lang.String toString()
          Generates a string representation of this polyhedron, using sprintfNamedFormat().
 double vclip(ClosestPointPair cpair, ConvexPolyhedron poly2, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d X12, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d X21)
          Computes the distance, along with the closest points and features, between this polyhedron and a second one.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConvexPolyhedron()
Creates an empty ConvexPolyhedron, which should then be initialized (such as with a call to scan).


public ConvexPolyhedron(javax.vecmath.Point3d[] vlist,
                        int[][] faceIndices)
Constructs a polyhedron given a list of vertices and a list of face indices. Each face is represented by an integer array listing its vertex indices in counter-clockwise order. The index of a vertex gives its location within the vertex list.

vlist - vertices for the polyhedron
faceIndices - face index arrays
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the vertex and face information does not describe a proper convex polyhedron


public ConvexPolyhedron(double[] coords,
                        int[][] faceIndices)
Constructs a polyhedron given a list of vertices and a list of face indices. Each face is represented by an integer array listing its vertex indices in counter-clockwise order. The index of a vertex gives its location within the coordinate list.

coords - coordinates of the polyhedron vertices, giving the x, y, and z values of each vertex, in order. The length of this array will be three times the number of vertices.
faceIndices - face index arrays
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the vertex and face information does not describe a proper convex polyhedron


public ConvexPolyhedron( reader,
                        boolean namedFormat)
Constructs a ConvexPolyhedron by reading information from the supplied reader.

reader - supplies the information used to define the polyhedron.
namedFormat - if true, then the polyhedron will be read using the named format used by scanNamedFormat. Otherwise, the .obj format of scan will be used
Throws: - if an I/O or format error occured
See Also:
scanNamedFormat(Reader), scan(Reader)


public ConvexPolyhedron( stok,
                        boolean namedFormat)
Constructs a ConvexPolyhedron by reading information from a StreamTokenizer.

stok - supplies the information used to define the polyhedron.
namedFormat - if true, then the polyhedron will be read using the named format used by scanNamedFormat. Otherwise, the .obj format of scan will be used
Throws: - if an I/O or format error occured
See Also:
scanNamedFormat(Reader), scan(Reader)
Method Detail


public Feature findFeature(java.lang.String name)


public void set(javax.vecmath.Point3d[] vlist,
                int[][] faceIndices)
Sets this polyhedron given a list of vertices and a list of face indices. Each face is represented by an integer array listing its vertex indices in counter-clockwise order. The index of a vertex gives its location within the vertex list.

vlist - vertices for the polyhedron
faceIndices - face index arrays
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the vertex and face information does not describe a proper convex polyhedron


public void set(double[] coords,
                int[][] faceIndices)
Sets this polyhedron given a list of vertices and a list of face indices. Each face is represented by an integer array listing its vertex indices in counter-clockwise order. The index of a vertex gives its location within the coordinate list.

coords - coordinates of the polyhedron vertices, giving the x, y, and z values of each vertex, in order. The length of this array will be three times the number of vertices.
faceIndices - face index arrays
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the vertex and face information does not describe a proper convex polyhedron


public void scanNamedFormat( reader)
Sets the polyhedron using information obtained from a reader. This information should be supplied according the named format used in Brian Mirtich's original V-Clip implementation:

First, the vertices of the polyhedra are listed, each with a name, followed by three numbers giving the coordinates. If the vertex name is given as -, then a name of the form vn will be automatically generated, where n denotes the number of the vertex. The character * is used to terminate the vertex list.

Second, the faces are listed, each with a name, followed by a list (on the same line) of the names of the vertices (in counter-clockwise order). If the face name is given as -, then a name of the form fn will be generated, where n is the number of the face. The character * is used to terminate the face list.

A simple example defining a tetrahedron is

 origin 0 0 0
 x      1 0 0
 y      0 1 0
 z      0 0 1
 xy	origin y x
 yz	origin z y
 zx	origin x z
 base	x y z

Using automatic naming, the same example would look like

 - 0 0 0
 - 1 0 0
 - 0 1 0
 - 0 0 1
 - v0 v2 v1
 - v0 v3 v2
 - v0 v1 v3
 - v1 v2 v3

reader - supplies the information used to describe the polyhedron.
Throws: - if an I/O or format error occured


public void scanNamedFormat( stok)
Sets the polyhedron using information obtained from a StreamTokenizer. Otherwise identical to scanNamedFormat(Reader).

stok - supplies the information used to describe the polyhedron.
Throws: - if an I/O or format error occured
See Also:


public void scan( stok)
Sets the polyhedron using information obtained from a StreamTokenizer. Otherwise identical to scan(Reader).

stok - supplies the information used to describe the polyhedron.
Throws: - if an I/O or format error occured
See Also:


public void scan( reader)
Sets the polyhedron using information obtained from a reader. This information should be supplied in an Alias Wavefront .obj format:

First, the vertices of the polyhedra are listed, each preceded with the character v, followed by three numbers giving the coordinates.

Second, the faces are listed, each preceded by the character f, followed by a counter-clockwise list of the vertex indices. Each index refers to the vertex's location within the vertex list, with the first vertex numbered as 1. The keyword end is used to terminate the face list.

A simple example defining a tetrahedron is

 v 0.0 0.0 0.0
 v 1.0 0.0 0.0
 v 0.0 1.0 0.0
 v 0.0 0.0 1.0
 f 0 2 1
 f 0 3 2
 f 0 1 3
 f 1 2 3

reader - supplies the information used to describe the polyhedron.
Throws: - if an I/O or format error occured


public final Vertex[] getVerts()
Returns the vertex features for this polyhedron.

vertex feature array


public final Vertex getVert(int idx)


public final Edge[] getEdges()
Returns the edge features for this polyhedron.

edge feature array


public final Edge getEdge(int vidx1,
                          int vidx2)


public final Face[] getFaces()
Returns the face features for this polyhedron.

face feature array


public final Face getFace(int idx)


public final int numFeatures()
Returns the total number of features (vertices, edges, faces) on this polyhedron.

number of features


public java.lang.String sprintf()
Outputs a string representation of this polyhedron, using the format used by scan(Reader).

.obj representation of this polyhedron


public java.lang.String sprintfNamedFormat()
Outputs a string representation of this polyhedron, using the format used by scanNamedFormat(Reader).

named format representation of this polyhedron


public java.lang.String toString()
Generates a string representation of this polyhedron, using sprintfNamedFormat().

named format representation of this polyhedron
See Also:


public double vclip(ClosestPointPair cpair,
                    ConvexPolyhedron poly2,
                    javax.vecmath.Matrix4d X12,
                    javax.vecmath.Matrix4d X21)
Computes the distance, along with the closest points and features, between this polyhedron and a second one. The cpair parameter is used to return the closest point and feature information. To facilitate fast computation, this parameter should also be initialized with a guess of the closest features between the two polyhedra (using ClosestPointPair.setFeatures). This guess is usually just the features that were determined the last time vclip was called for this pair of polyhedra. If no feature guess is given, then vclip starts with the first vertex of each polyhedron.

If the two polyhedra are interpenetrating, the routine returns a non-positive number giving a roughstimate of the interpenetration distance. The closest feature information in this case is not particularly useful.

cpair - returns closest point pair information, and supplies an initial guess of the closest features.
poly2 - the second polyhedron
X12 - spatial transform from the reference frame of the first polyhedron to the reference frame of the second
X21 - spatial transform from the reference frame of the second polyhedron to the reference frame of the first
distance between the two polyhedra, or a number <= 0 if the two polyhedra are interpenetrating.


public static ConvexPolyhedron createBox(double wx,
                                         double wy,
                                         double wz)


public static ConvexPolyhedron createCylinder(double r,
                                              double h,
                                              int nsides)


public static ConvexPolyhedron createSphere(double r,
                                            int nslices)


public static ConvexPolyhedron createRoundedCylinder(double r,
                                                     double h,
                                                     int nslices)


public static ConvexPolyhedron createCone(double rtop,
                                          double rbot,
                                          double h,
                                          int nsides)


public static ConvexPolyhedron createPrism(double[] xy,
                                           double h)


public static ConvexPolyhedron createPrism(double[] xyTop,
                                           double[] xyBot,
                                           double h)


public void hideVerts(int[] vlist)


public void hideFaces(int[] flist)


public void hideEdges(int[] elist)


public void hidePrismFace(int fi)