CPSC 503 - Spring 2005 - Computational Linguistics

Giuseppe Carenini

Office: CICSR #129
Phone: 822-5109
Email: carenini at cs.ubc.ca

Tue   9:30a - 11:00a    Room:  CISR 304
Thu   9:30a - 11:00a    Room:  CISR 304

Giuseppe's Office Hours: by appointment

Course Description

Computational Linguistics (CL) is the study of human language from a computational perspective. This course will examine algorithms used in the automatic analysis or production of language. Along with formal models of language, we will also study the engineering of natural language processing software. Many of the concepts, methods and algorithms studied are related to topics like formal linguistics, information retrieval, data mining from text, and bioinformatics.  Assignments will provide hands-on experience with the formal models and algorithms studied. They will also provide exposure to commonly used datasets.
The course will consist of both lectures about basic CL notions and discussion of recent research papers. The discussion of the papers will be led by students. Each student will lead the discussion of
at least one paper.

Readings, Syllabus, Assignments, Software&Data
Final Projects: Work-Plan, Projects.
Readings: what to do

Acknowledgments:Portions of the material for this course have been kindly offered by Prof. Anoop Sarkar (SFU). Other material used was publicly available on the Web.