Full citation
Enriquez, M. J., MacLean, K. E. (2004). "Impact of Haptic Warning Signal Reliability in a Time-and-Safety-Critical Task." in Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, IEEE-VR2004, Chicago, USA, 2004.
The bulk of current haptics human-factors research
focuses on mapping basic human perceptual limits.
However, many realistic applications demand a better
understanding of how to construct more life-like but often
less controllable experiment scenarios.
In this paper, we study this problem in the context of
advanced automobile interfaces. We employ a throttle
pedal with programmable force feedback to indicate
potentially undesirable situations in the external
environment and to gently but steadily guide the driver
away from them. We have found evidence that within this
scenario, errors in such a warning signal can have a
negative effect on the behavior of the driver within the
conditions studied.
These experiments required a complex protocol and
necessarily permitted a variety of participant tactics. Postexperiment
analysis revealed that very subtle variations in
participant instruction produced large differences in tactics
and consequent experiment outcome.
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