[Publications] [Software Engineering Research Group] [Department of Computer Science] [University of British Columbia]

Separating Concerns with Hyper/JTM: An Experience Report
Albert Lai, Gail C. Murphy, and Robert J. Walker.

In Peri Tarr, Harold Ossher, Anthony Finkelstein, Bashar Nuseibeh, and Dewayne Perry, organizers, Workshop Proceedings: Multi-dimensional Separation of Concerns in Software Engineering (Limerick, Ireland; 6 June), pp. 79--91, 2000. Held at the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering. Position paper.

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In earlier work, we conducted an exploratory investigation of concerns in two existing JavaTM packages: jFTPd and gnu.regexp. Two separate developers marked concerns in the source for each package: these concerns were then compared and analyzed. In this paper, we describe the next step of our investigations: the use of the IBM Hyper/JTM tool to separate and configure the identified concerns. We describe the various kinds of hyperspaces, hypermodules, hyperslices, and concern mappings we used to describe our previously identified concerns. We also discuss code restructurings we used to enable the capturing and composition of concerns.

URL: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/se/papers/2000/icse00-mdsoc.html
File: /pub/www/cs.ubc.ca/docs/labs/se/papers/2000/icse00-mdsoc.html