[Software Engineering Research Group] [Department of Computer Science] [University of British Columbia]


Current Versions of Publications

2001  Siobhán Clarke and Robert J. Walker. "Separating Crosscutting Concerns Across the Lifecycle: From Composition Patterns to AspectJ and Hyper/J", Technical report TCD-CS-2001-15 and UBC-CS-TR-2001-05.
Robert J. Walker and Gail C. Murphy. "Joinpoints as Ordered Events: Towards Applying Implicit Context to Aspect Orientation", ASOC Workshop at ICSE 2001.
Martin P. Robillard and Gail C. Murphy. "Analyzing Concerns Using Class Member Dependencies", ASOC Workshop at ICSE 2001.
Albert Lai and Gail C. Murphy. "Capturing Concerns with Conceptual Modules", ASOC Workshop at ICSE 2001.
Elisa L. A. Baniassad, Gail C. Murphy, and Christa Schwanninger. "Determining the `Why' of Concerns", ASOC Workshop at ICSE 2001.
Gail C. Murphy, Albert Lai, Robert J. Walker, and Martin P. Robillard. "Separating Features in Source Code: An Exploratory Study", ICSE '01.
Siobhán Clarke and Robert J. Walker. "Composition Patterns: An Approach to Designing Reusable Aspects", ICSE '01.
Gail C. Murphy, David Notkin, and Kevin J. Sullivan. "Software Reflexion Models: Bridging the Gap Between Design and Implementation". IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 27(4):364--380, April 2001.
2000  Robert J. Walker, Gail C. Murphy, Jeffrey Steinbok, and Martin P. Robillard. "Efficient Mapping of Software System Traces to Architectural Views", CASCON '00.
Robert J. Walker and Gail C. Murphy. "Implicit Context: Easing Software Evolution and Reuse", FSE '00.
Martin P. Robillard and Gail C. Murphy. "Designing Robust Java Programs with Exceptions", FSE '00.
Robert J. Walker. "Eliminating Cycles from Composed Class Hierarchies", Technical report TR-00-07.
Martin P. Robillard and Gail C. Murphy. "An Exploration of a Lightweight Means of Concern Separation", ADC Workshop at ECOOP 2000.

Elisa L. A. Baniassad, Gail Murphy, Christa Schwanninger and Michael Kircher. "Where are Programmers Faced with Concerns?", Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns in Object-oriented Systems at OOPSLA 2000.

Albert Lai, Gail C. Murphy, and Robert J. Walker. "Separating Concerns with Hyper/JTM: An Experience Report", MDSOC Workshop at ICSE 2000.
1999  Albert Lai and Gail C. Murphy. "The Structure of Features in Java Code: An Exploratory Investigation", MDSOC '99.
Martin P. Robillard and Gail C. Murphy. "Migrating a Static Analysis Tool to AspectJTM", MDSOC '99.
Mik A. Kersten and Gail C. Murphy. "Atlas: A Case Study in Building a Web-based Learning Environment using Aspect-oriented Programming", OOPSLA '99.
Martin P. Robillard and Gail C. Murphy. "Analyzing Exception Flow in JavaTM Programs", ESEC/FSE '99.
Gail C. Murphy, Robert J. Walker, and Elisa L. A. Baniassad. "Evaluating Emerging Software Development Technologies: Lessons Learned from Assessing Aspect-Oriented Programming", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Special Section on Empirical Software Engineering.
Robert J. Walker, Elisa L. A. Baniassad, and Gail C. Murphy. "An Initial Assessment of Aspect-Oriented Programming", ICSE-21.
1998 Robert J. Walker, Gail C. Murphy, Bjorn Freeman-Benson, Darin Wright, Darin Swanson, and Jeremy Isaak. "Visualizing Dynamic Software System Information through High-level Models", OOPSLA '98.
Gail C. Murphy and Ekaterina Saenko. "Predicting Memory Use from a Class Diagram using Dynamic Information", WOSP '98.
Gene S. Lee. "Reusable Interactions for Animation", ICSR '98.
Elisa L. A. Baniassad and Gail C. Murphy. "Conceptual Module Querying for Software Reengineering", ICSE '98.

URL:  http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/se/papers/index.html
File:  /pub/www/cs.ubc.ca/docs/labs/se/papers/index.html