Sports: What are sports and how to sports

November 18, 2022

Ryan Smith

I fucking love sports. Like when the basketball players put the ball in that end zone thing. The basketball….circley thingy?? Like the endzone circle that gives them points. You know what I’m talking about, right? The hoop! Yea, that thing. Man that gets me fucking jazzed in the morning. Also, when like all those macho men crowd together in football and whisper secrets to each other. That’s so fucking cool. I want to be them and learn all their secrets. God sports are the best. It’s just sick watching them throw those little balls around for like 6 hours while drinking six dollar beers at the game. Fuck yea, I can barely finish this abstract just thinking about sporting later. You guys are going to learn so much about sports so stay home if you’re one of those people that don’t care about sports, because this is definitely a sports talkand nothing else babyyyyyy.