Week 4 - Project Milestone 3: Feedback Session & Final submission

Tidy Submission (5%)


  • Continue to develop your Shiny app on your public repository.
  • Deploy your Shiny app to Sometimes deployment will introduce bugs, so make sure to save some time for debugging! The console logs are very helpful here.
  • Tag a release of your Shiny app, and submit a link to that in your private repository for this milestone. In this milestone, your peers will have an oppertunity to interact with your shinyapp and provide comments.
  • In addition to your shiny app, you will be asked to reflect on the peer review process and your own app development (see exercises below), which you will submit as a markdown document in your private github repository. When discussing your own app YOU MUST INCLUDE SCREENSHOTS illustrating all of the functions your Shiny app performs. If your Shiny app fails to deploy to, we will be grading you solely on your screenshots.
  • Ensure that your markdown submission as a whole is easy to read: use appropriate formatting that clearly distinguishes between our questions and your answer, between different sub-parts of your answer, and with visible differences between code and English.
  • Ensure your submitted private repo is organized. It should be easy to find files and links.

Exercise 1: Giving Written Feedback (10%)

In this exercise, you are to record the feedback that you wrote as a reviewer. We aren't checking for a polished piece of writing here -- what's important here is the content. You do not need proper English, spelling and grammar here!

Feedback from Session 1


Creator's Name:

Link to shiny app (Latest Release):

Link to the feedback you provide on this app as an issue on your reviewee's public repository for the milestone 2 tagged release:

Also paste your feedback here:


Feedback from Session 2


Creator's Name:

Link to shiny app (Latest Release):

Link to the feedback you provide on this app as an issue on your reviewee's public repository for the milestone 2 tagged release:

Also paste your feedback here:


Exercise 2: Reflection (14%)

We will ask you to refelect on the feedback you recieved, the effectiveness of your visualization designs, and finally on the app creation process.

There is no limit on the length of your response, but ideally you should aim for 200 - 500 words per reflection topic

Topic: reflect on the feedback you received


In this exercise, you are to reflect upon the usefulness of the feedback you received, and your decisions about what to do about the feedback (i.e., what you changed). Report this in a written discussion.

Here are some questions that you may want to address:

  • Reflect on the usability of your app. How easy or hard was it for your peers to use your app? Did you expect them to use the app in they way they did?
  • What things did you hear that's similar across reviewers? Is there a theme here?
  • From the feedback, what things do you think are appropriate to change in your app, particularly given the time frame you have to improve the app?
  • What is unreasonable to change, and why? Time restraints? Too technical?
  • What feedback was the most/least valuable?
  • What part of the feedback process was most/least valuable?
  • What did you learn from your experience being a "fly-on-the-wall". Was this useful? Why or why not?
  • Did the feedback process lead to an improved app? What parts were valuable? What parts were not valuable?

Topic: reflect on how your project has changed since your proposal


  • Reference how your app has developed from your initial proposal, through your first submission, to your final product.
  • How have your visualization goals changed?
  • How have your technical goals changed?
  • How realistic was your original proposal in terms of what is technically possible in Shiny?
  • Was there anything you wanted to implement that you ultimately couldn't figure out how to do? If so, then what workarounds did you employ, or did you abandon your original idea?

Topic: final thoughts


  • If you were to make the app again from scratch (or some other app in general), what would you do differently?
  • What were the greatest challenges you faced with this process?

Exercise 3: Improved Shiny App (71%)

Take the feedback you received about your Shiny app and use it to make improvements. Remember, your goal is not to create the perfect shiny app -- it's to make the most critical improvements that you can using the time allocated to Lab4. There will probably be some amazing features that you'd like your app to have, but would take a very long time to implement -- these aren't the changes we're looking for. You can comment on things like this in Exercise 2.

Visualization Design & Analysis

You will be assessed according to the effectiveness of the visualzations in your app, which should link back to the useage scenario and tasks in your proposal, and also how you've refined your app based upon feedback from your peers.

App revisions

"App revisions" has the following rubric:


Visualization effectiveness

"Visualization effectiveness" has the following rubric:


Final App Submissions

We will also assess the quality of the code and the usabilty of your final application.


Commit Messages


  • When improving your app, commit often! Tie each commit message to a decision you have made during development. Here, provide a link to your commit history.


App Submission


  • Tag a new release once you have finished these changes (don't replace your Milestone 2 version!).