Tommy Ming Tang Wing Wai Danial Cheung By submitting this file, I hereby declare that or our team of two worked individually on this assignment and wrote all of this code. We have listed all external resoures (web pages, books) used below. We have listed all people with whom We have had significant discussions about the project below. Animations implemented: - Body tilt up/down (E for tilt down) - Head move left/right - Tail move left/right - Nose tentacles fan out - Swim - Dig - Tail wag (W): extra credit Smooth transitions and jumpcuts are supportes for all these animations above. For extra credit, we added cubemapping and shading. The cubemap was taken with my smartphone. The cubemap code is based on Three.js cubemap example: For casting shadows, we consulted this blog post: Since the cubemap image is loaded from a separate file, cross domain override is required, or a local Web server can be used (`npm install local-web-server --global` then launch with `ws`). Screenshots are provided in its folder. We also have a video recording: