
Models the position and velocity of an object whose position is known under noise by a latent variables distribution that is linear-Gaussian


Generate synthetic data

observationLength = 30;

% State transition matrix.
A = [1 0 1 0; ... % constant velocity in the x1 direction per unit of time
     0 1 0 1; ... % constant velocity in the x2 direction per unit of time
     0 0 1 0; ...
     0 0 0 1];

% Observation matrix, velocity is unobserved
C = [1 0 0 0;
     0 1 0 0];
q = 0.1;       % random accelerations as changes in velocity term
r = 0.5;       % observation model variance (sensor error)

[obsDim, hiddenDim] = size(C);

mu_0 = [0 0 1 0]';      % initialization state for initial state distr.
V_0 = 5*eye(hiddenDim); % intial covariance for starting position

Z = zeros(hiddenDim, observationLength); % true state (position and velocity)
X = zeros(obsDim, observationLength);    % observable state (position only)

eps = normrnd(0, q, [hiddenDim observationLength]);
del = normrnd(0, r, [obsDim observationLength]);

Z(:,1) = zeros(hiddenDim,1);  % true position as latent variable
X(:,1) = C*Z(:,1) + del(:,1); % observed

for t = 2:observationLength
   Z(:, t) = A*Z(:, t-1) + eps(:, t);
   X(:, t) = C*Z(:, t) + del(:, t);
options_kalman = [];
options_kalman.A = A;
options_kalman.C = C;
options_kalman.mu_init = [0 0 1 0]';
options_kalman.V_init = 5*eye(hiddenDim);
options_kalman.G = q*eye(hiddenDim);
options_kalman.S = r*eye(obsDim);

Train model

model = ml_unsupervised_LGSSM(X, options_kalman);

Run forwards-backwards algorithm for LG-SSM

mu_init = [0 0 1 0]';
V_init = 5*eye(hiddenDim);

[mu, V] = model.KalmanFilter(X);
[mu_hat, V_hat] = model.KalmanSmoothing(mu, V);

% Plot results
hold on

plot(Z(1,2:end), Z(2,2:end), '-kh', ...
    'LineWidth',2, ...
    'MarkerSize',10)%, ...
plot(mu_hat(1,:), mu_hat(2,:), '--rd')
plot(Z(1,1), Z(2,2), 'gh','MarkerSize',10,'MarkerFaceColor','green')
legend('True Position','Tracked Position','Starting Position')