CS322 Fall 1999
Module 7 (Knowledge Representation Issues)
Assignment 7

Due: 1:30pm, Friday 29 October 1999.

The aim of this assignment is to learn about some knowledge representation issues that will be used later in the course.

Question 1

Consider the relations: Consider the knowledge base:
limit(Id,Year,Limit) <-
  1. Give the knowledge base where we represent the course relation using the object-attribute-value representation. (I.e., specify the above three facts for course in terms of the prop relation.)
  2. Define limit in terms of this new representation for the course information. (The limit relation should have the same semantics as before.)
  3. Explain why it may be advantageous to use the object-attribute-value representation for course information.
Check that your representation works with CIlog. Your new axiomatization should be able to answer exactly the same limit queries as the original version.

Question 2

Suppose a conditional expression is either: You are to write a relation To evaluate a conditional expression for an individual is simple: if the conditional expression is a value, then that value is returned. If the conditional expression is of the form if(Att,Then,Else), then if the value of the attribute Att for the individual is true, you evaluate the Then conditional expression, otherwise evaluate the Else conditional expression.

For example, given the knowledge base:

Then ceval(cs322,if(fun,if(easy,99,80),if(confusing,55,70)),Val) should return Val=80.

Question 3

For each question in this assignment, say how long you spent on it. Was this reasonable? What did you learn?
David Poole