Graduate School Terminology

Graduate School Terminology

What Your Supervisor Says What Your Supervisor Means
Look on this as a learning experience. You are going to suffer.
I am here to lend you support. I am here to destroy you so you do not look smarter than me.
I would like to have had more time to study this. I did not read this.
Your research is an interesting application of my own work. Why didn't I think of this before you did?
You have failed to take into account some of the more relevant literature. You did not cite papers I wrote.
I would like you to explain... I do not know anything about this.
Your statistical results don't seem to support your hypothesis. I don't understand statistics.
How did you ensure that you had drawn a random sample? I had to come up with at least one question, and this one always works.
Could you step out of room while the committee comes to a decision? We decided beforehand to give you your degree, but we still want to make you sweat some more.

Source file: grad-translations.shtml
Last modified: Tuesday, 19-Feb-2019 14:56:33 PST
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