
8. Jul 2024
I am serving as Area Chair for ECCV 2024, NeurIPS 24, AAAI 25, BMVC 24.

8. Jul 2024
I have served as Area Chair and Session Chair for CVPR 2024.

8. Jul 2024
We have four papers appearing at ECCV 24.

8. Jul 2024
(Belated update) We made 3DGS-MCMC code public!

8. Jul 2024
(Belated update) We have presented six papers (two spotlights) at CVPR 24.

8. Jul 2024
(Belated update) Yeonjin Chang is visiting our group! Welcome

10. Oct 2023
I will be giving a Keynote at ISVC 2023.

10. Oct 2023
Seungyeon joined our group! Welcome!

10. Oct 2023
Jeong-Gi and Erqun are visiting our group! Welcome!

10. Oct 2023
Shweta has moved to Qualcomm Research!

10. Oct 2023
Unsupervised Semantic Correspondences with Stable Diffusion to appear at NeurIPS 2023.

09. March 2023
Four papers to appear at CVPR 2023 (one of them is already available on arXiv! Neural Fourier Filter Banks).

09. March 2023
I will serve as Area Chair for NeurIPS 2023.

31. January 2023
Wei Jiang successfully defended his thesis! Congratulations Dr. Jiang!

10. December 2022
Attention Beats Concatenation has been accepted to TMLR.

24. October 2022
I will be serving as Area Chair for CVPR 2023.

24. October 2022
Bootstrapping Human Optical Flow and Pose to be presented at BMVC 2022.

24. October 2022
Neural Bilateral Filtering to be presented at WACV 2023.

24. October 2022
TUSK to be presented at NeurIPS 2022.

03. October 2022
Shweta Mahajan joined our group as a postdoctoral researcher, co-supervised with Leonid Sigal!

12. September 2022
Gopal Sharma joined our group as a postdoctoral researcher, co-supervised with Andrea Tagliasacchi @ SFU!

1. September 2022
Matthew Tang joined our group as a MSc student!

1. September 2022
Fred Xie joined our group as a MSc student!

07. July 2022
Two papers to be presented at ECCV 2022.

07. July 2022
One paper presented at CRV 2022.

07. July 2022
One short paper presented at MIDL 2022.

22. April 2022
Another addition to the collection – selected as a highlighted reviewer at ICLR 2022.

29. March 2022
Three papers to be presented at CVPR 2022!

17. February 2022
Belated update: One paper presented at NeurIPS, one paper published at Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, one paper at WACV, and another paper at Patter Recognition!

1. December 2021
Recognized as outstanding reviewer at 3DV. Another addition to the collection!

17. October 2021
Recognized as outstanding reviewer from ICCV and NeurIPS. I seem to be collecting these…

20. September 2021
Eric finished his MSc and is now continuing as Ph.D.! Sneha, Shakiba, and Zhijie joined our group. Welcome!

20. September 2021
One paper (COTR) is accepted as Oral at ICCV 2021.

20. September 2021
I will be serving as Area Chair for AAAI 2022.

19. May 2021
I will be serving as as area chair for BMVC 2021.

19. May 2021
I will be giving a talk at GI 2021.

1. May 2021
Aritro joined our team as a Master Student, co-supervised with Jim Little!

28. March 2021
We will present three papers at CVPR 2021! One paper accepted by MNRAS!

28. February 2021
IMC Website has now been revamped and moved to UBC! Also, we are hosting the challenge again at CVPR 2021, so stay tuned!

28. February 2021
I will be serving as reviewer for ICCV 2021 and CRV 2021. I am also serving as Senior Program Committee for IJCAI 2021.

18. January 2021
Fabrizio Pedersoli joined our group as a postdoc!

7. September 2020
Openings page updated.

4. September 2020
Website renewed.

1. September 2020
Our group moved to the University of British Columbia.

1. September 2020
One paper accepted by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

31. July 2020
Dr. Yi will be serving as Area Chair for AAAI 2021.

31. July 2020
One paper accepted by IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (belated news).

1. April 2020
One paper accepted by CVPR 2020.

1. April 2020
Dr. Yi will be serving as Area Chair for BMVC 2020.

30. January 2020
Dr. Yi will be serving as Area Chair for CVPR 2021.

30. January 2020
One paper accepted by International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing.

22. October 2019
Dr. Yi will be serving as Area Chair for ECCV 2020..

01. October 2019
One paper accepted by Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences (NeurIPS 2020 Workshops).

27. September 2019
One paper accepted by WACV 2020.

07. August 2019
Two papers accepted by ICCV 2019 (1 Oral).

07. August 2019
Dr.Yi will be serving as Area Chair for CVPR 2020.

05. July 2019
Dr.Yi will be giving talks at KCCV, Naver, Seoul National University, Seoul National University Hospital in South Korea this July.

17. June 2019
Dr.Yi will be serving as Local Arrangement Chair for CVPR 2023.

17. June 2019
Recognized as outstanding reviewer by CVPR 2019.

14. February 2019
Dr.Yi will be serving as Area Chair for BMVC 2019.

14. February 2019
Dr.Yi will be serving as Area Chair for ICCV 2019.

01. January 2019
Research Grant awarded – Google

01. November 2018
NSERC Engage Grant awarded – with SPORTLOGIQ

05. September 2018
Our work on LF-Net is accepted to NeurIPS 2018.

03. July 2018
Our work on Eigen-free Losses is accepted to ECCV 2018.

03. July 2018
Our work on Learning to Find Good Correspondences was presented at CVPR 2018 as an Oral!

01. April 2018
NSERC Discovery Grant Awarded.

02. March 2018
Our work on Learning to Find Good Correspondences is accepted to CVPR 2018.

10. July 2017
Our work on Learning Lightprobes is accepted to ISMAR as an oral presentation.

29. May 2017
Our work on Robust 3D Tracking is published on-line on TPAMI

07. May 2017
Dr.Yi will be joining University of Victoria as an Assistant Professor starting December.