ddd 2018-11-23 Those of you having trouble with coding may want to have some of your group write *.lp files (in the style of the solutions to Homeworks 1 and 2) while the others debug, for the following reasons: -- *.lp files don't require any coding -- *.lp files are reasonable to write for toy examples and small examples -- many projects last year were written as (5 or more) *.lp files, even some that would have been much smaller and simpler using Models and their methods, such as *.addVars() and *.addConstrs() You might compare the Latin square solution of Homework 2 to that of Homework 4. Note: you can use any LP/IP/QP software you like; you should test the software on toy examples. If you want to use Python/Gurobi, you might want to work on the worksheet of 11_02; using a debugging environment such as Spyder (which we accessed via Anaconda) can help.