Basic facts about *.lp file format: (1) A line beginning with a backslash (\) is treated as a comment (2) There are many types of optimization that you can do with Gurobi; in class we start with some simple examples Examples of some commands of the "Gurobi shell": -- Reading *.lp into Gurobi: mylp = read('/Users/jf/MATH441/Gurobi_Run_Here/TV.lp') mylp = read('TV.lp') my_other_lp = read('TV2.lp') -- To run Gurobi optimization software on "mylp" and get some info: mylp.optimize() -- To see the non-zero values of the decision variables: mylp.printAttr('X') -- To get the vector of all values, and then print the vector and its length: vect = mylp.getVars() print(vect) print(len(vect))