The AAAI 2006 workshop on
Learning for Search: schedule

Main Workshop page 

8:45-9:00 Welcome and opening remarks, Wheeler and Frank

Please note that oral presentations are scheduled to be 23 minutes, plus 7 minutes for questions.

9:00-10:30 Session 1: clause learning/constraint weighting

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:30 Session 2: Run-time prediction/learning of heuristics

12:30-2:00 Lunch.

We are hoping to identify a nearby restaurant in advance and encourage all participants to enjoy lunch together in informal conversation. If you are unable to eat with the group, please be sure to return promptly for the afternoon sessions!

We now have a tentative reservation at LTK, the "Legal Test Kitchen", one block from the WTC:, 225 Northern Avenue.
When you face the Seaport Hotel coming from the WTC, it's one block to your left. It's in the ground floor of a tower that has a sign on top saying "Now Leasing, final phase" - you can't miss it. We should be there 12:40-1:50.

2:00-3:30 Session 3: Real-time search

3:30-3:35 Brief remarks, Wheeler and Frank

3:30-4:00 Coffee break

4:00-6:00 Poster session

(AAAI will provide 30 by 40 inch foamcore boards for the poster session.) We gave oral presentations the option of also presenting a poster. The following chose to do this: