Benchmark instances of SAT Competition Bejing

This set comprises the instances which have been proposed for the International Competition on SAT Testing in Bejing, 1996. The original call for participation is available here. More information on the competition is available in a PDF document. The benchmark set can also be accessed here.

Benchmark instances

instance  vars  clauses  satisfiable? 
2bitadd_10.cnf  590  1422  ---  
2bitadd_11.cnf  649  1562  ---  
2bitadd_12.cnf  708  1702  ---  
2bitcomp_5.cnf  125  310  yes 
2bitmax_6.cnf  252  766  yes 
3bitadd_31.cnf  8432  31310  yes 
3bitadd_32.cnf  8704  32316  yes 
3blocks.cnf  283  9690  yes 
4blocks.cnf  758  47820  yes 
4blocksb.cnf  410  24758  yes 
e0ddr2-10-by-5-1.cnf  19500  103887  yes 
e0ddr2-10-by-5-4.cnf  1728  104527  yes 
enddr2-10-by-5-1.cnf  20700  111567  yes 
enddr2-10-by-5-8.cnf  21000  113729  yes 
ewddr2-10-by-5-1.cnf  21800  118607  yes 
ewddr2-10-by-5-8.cnf  22500  123329  yes 

Table 1: Benchmark set of the SAT Competition Bejing.


The instances have been contributed by James Crawford. The original ftp-site can be found here.