Song Information
Song Artist(s):Salt 'N' Pepa
Song Title:I've Got AIDS (PSA)

Album Information
Album:Very Necessary

Track Classification
Genre:Dance 1990s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rap

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Well for a long time me Pep and Spin have been involved in the fight

against AIDS and we always say the best cure is not to get it and not to pread it. You should be responsible if you're gonna have sex.

So we decided to give a spot on our album to a group of young people who'e also involved in the fight and they're called WEATOC from Boston Massachusetts. They're just young people schoolin' other young people.

Cathy: Oh, God, I can't believe this. I mean, I thought this happened o

other people but not me. I mean, I'm only 16 years old. I had a hole

life ahead of me, and now I'm gonna die! I mean, what am I gonna do?

I...Oh, God, I'm so confused, and where's Mario? I called him over an

hour ago. All we had to do was just use protection. I mean, the condoms were right there.

[Knock on door]

Cathy: Come in.

Mario: Yo, what's up, man? Hold it, hold it - where the tv at?

Cathy: Mario, forget about the tv.

Mario: What are you talking about? I got 50 dollars on this game.

Cathy: Mario, this is more important than the game.

Mario: What? What? Alright, whoa, who's home?

Cathy: There's nobody home right now.

Mario: Oh, then so that's why you called me over here then...

Cathy: Mario, that's how we got into this in the first place.

Mario: What are you talking about? What, what are you talking about?

Cathy: I went to the clinic today.

Mario: Oh, what you got? A little cold? I know how to fix that.

Cathy: Mario, I don't have a cold.

Mario: So..oh...oh, please, please, don't tell me you're pregnant. Please don't tell me you're pregnant.

Cathy: Right now that would be easier to tell you than what I have to tell you.

Mario: So then what are you talking about? You're talking in circles, Cathy.

Cathy: Mario, I got tested, and my test results came up positive.

Mario: Tests for what? Postive for what? What are you talkin' about?

Cathy: I have HIV...

Mario: You...

Cathy: ...And I really don't know what we're gonna do because...

Mario: Hold up, wait...wait, wait... You got AIDS?

Cathy: Yes.

Mario: Oh...

Cathy: I have the virus, and I don't know what we're gonna do.

Mario: Hold up, what "we're" gonna do?

Cathy: I mean, we should have used protection.

Mario: What "we're" gonna do? What are you talking about? No, no, no...this can't... No, this is not happening to me...

Cathy: What are you talking about?

Mario: No, this... I mean, YOU might have HIV, I guess, but not me. No, I'm sorry, I'm straight.

Cathy: Mario, what are you talking about? You know you're the only one I've been with.

Mario: That's not what I've heard.

Cathy: You know we didn't use protection!

Mario: Oh, my goodness, that's not what I heard. My boys talk... They told me they seen you with all types of dudes, Cathy. Come on, now.

Cathy: Your boys? You're gonna start listening to your boys at a time like this?

Mario: Well, I'm... Well, trust me, now was a perfect time to start.

Cathy: Mario, I thought you loved me! What are you... I can't believe this is coming from you! I thought...

Mario: Hey, whoa...

Cathy: I thought I meant more to you than this!

Mario: Well I did love you, but now you be sleeping around. You caught AIDS and all that...

Cathy: Sleeping around?!

Mario: What do you want me to do?

Cathy: I can't believe you, Mario! I hate you! Just get home, my God!

Track Information
Measured Time:3:18
Traktor Peak dB: 0.062
Traktor Perceived dB: 5.189

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:101.5
Traktor BPM: 79.7 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:D m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:08b407f7-161f-3287-ce8d-3302916d8c4c

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Salt 'n' Pepa
Song Title:I've Got AIDS

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