Banff Logistics

This page has information about logistics for the trip to the ACM Programming Contest World Finals in Banff, Alberta, from April 6-10, 2008.

Who is going?

  1. Patrick
  2. Anton
  3. Henry
  4. Ducky
  5. Chris
  6. Robert
  7. Simon
  8. Cedric
  9. Andrew
  10. Yury
  11. Igor N
  12. Jim DLH
  13. Simon Lo


Our registration slot is 8pm on Sunday 6 April.

At on-site registration, participants must provide picture ID (passport, driver’s license, etc). Contestants must show proof of enrollment at the university during the term of the regional contest at which they qualified. A letter on university stationary with the signature of a university official accompanied by an English translation is sufficient.


Note that things start at 8 or nine every day.

Important, required times:

  • Sunday 2000h: checkin for the ENTIRE ENTOURAGE. Everybody needs to be there. (I think.)
  • Monday 0900-1800h: "TechTrek" thing for UBC^ and Ducky (others?)
  • Tuesday 0900-1430h: opening ceremonies, practice contest, etc
  • Tuesday 1800h: UPE dinner. Gotta be there, but they will feed you. smile
  • Wednesday 0745: call time for World Finals
  • Wednesday 1400-1430h: Coach's briefing (Ducky only)
  • Wednesday 1730-1830, 1900-2300: awards ceremony and party!

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided pretty much every day. Note that breakfast ends at the time that the daily featured events start.

Tuesday and Wednesday UBC^ and Ducky need to wear their tshirts. Entourage, please wear your tshirts at least on Wednesday.

Full complete official schedule.

Note: Monday is a pretty light schedule for everybody but UBC^ and Ducky; if it is possible for people to get badges later, it might make sense for some people to come in Monday night instead of Sunday night. Of course, it should be fun to spend a day in Banff. smile


Two rooms with two beds each at the Fairmont are paid for by IBM. (W00t, thanks IBM!)

The CS Department has expressed willingness to pay for a room for Ducky at the Fairmont (and she'll put Jim in there as well.)

The department has expressed willingness to pay for cheaper rooms for UBC*.

The department has expressed UNwillingness to pay for rooms for UBC+.

Ducky is exploring creative financing of rooms. She's made a map of the location of some of the hotels, with room rates.

Transportation in Banff

There is a local bus service called the "Happy Bus" which runs until midnight ($2 fare), and which goes everywhere we want to go. It looks dead-easy.

I've put a crude sketch of the bus lines on the hotel map.

Free money!

The UPE Computer Science Honor Society provides $300 to each team attending the UPE Business Meeting, typically held the day before the World Finals, plus an additional $450 to teams representing institutions with UPE chapters or who are in the process of establishing UPE chapters. Teams must attend the UPE Business Meeting to receive the UPE funds.

-- DuckySherwood - 23 Nov 2007

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Topic revision: r2 - 2007-11-24 - DuckySherwood
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