Difference: TJUsageCases ( vs. 1)

Revision 12006-01-11 - JamesSlack

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="TreeJuxtaposer"
TreeJuxtaposer Use cases

  1. Load TJ with no trees
    • Default loading option for many users
  2. Open tree with no extension (default to newick format)
    • .nh format should also work
  3. Open tree with .tre/.nexus extension (nexus format)
  4. Close single open tree
  5. Open a second tree for comparison
  6. Open 2+ trees simultaneously
  7. Load TJ with a small tree (< 500 leaves)
  8. Load TJ with mid-sized tree (500-50000 leaves)
    • requires culling
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