Difference: ProposedLearningOutcomes (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62011-10-05 - DonaldActon

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META TOPICPARENT name="ComputerScience317Cwsei"
-- DonaldActon - 23 Sep 20
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  • Write and/or modify programs that use the socket API.
  • Determine and measure key properties (latency, bandwidth, jitter, error rates, topology) about a network and apply the resulting information to the design of network based applications.
  • Determine and measure key properties (latency, bandwidth, jitter, error rates, topology) about a network and apply the resulting
information to the design of network based applications.

  • Apply standard network application structuring paradigms (e.g. client-server, P2P, publish/subscribe) to the design and implementation of network based applications.

  • Scaling

  • Sharing

  • Performance
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