Difference: DuckyEthicsDraft (1 vs. 6)

Revision 62006-11-08 - DuckySherwood

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META TOPICPARENT name="DuckyHomework"

Ducky Ethics Approval Form Draft Notes

DEADLINES for minimal risk studies - Nov 10, Dec 1, Dec 21
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13. Summary of research


Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are the principal tools used by computer scientists to write and/or modify software.
Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are the principal tools used by computer scientists to write and/or modify software. Developers edit, share, delete, rename, and view files, generate executables, and debug those executables with their IDE(s).

In other research by the PI, a plug-in (MylarMonitor) was developed for the popular Eclipse IDE that can log user interactions with Eclipse. While the actual source code is not logged, MylarMonitor can log every time a developer presses a button, pulls down a menu, presses a keyboard shortcut, etc.


Purpose and objective

We hope to learn to recognize specific techniques that software developers use that correlate with the quality of the code that they generate.
We hope to learn to recognize specific patterns that developers use that correlate with the skill of the programmer as measured by the quality of their code submissions. Understanding these patterns can potentially be used to improve the teaching/training of computer scientists and the usability of IDEs.


Hypothesis: when developers interact with IDEs, there are usage patterns whose appearance or frequency correlate with the skill of the programmer as measured by the quality of their code submissions.
Hypothesis: when developers interact with IDEs, there are usage patterns whose appearance and/or frequency correlate with the quality of the code generated.





14. how many

20-200 subjects, 0 controls

15. Subject description

Students in Computer Science XXX.

Inclusion criteria: student in a computer science course which uses the Java programming language and has individually executed and graded assignments. Subjects must have at least one semester of familiarity with the the Eclipse development tool (which is already recommended) and be willing to use it again exclusively for this course.

  1. Participants must volunteer in response to a recruitment form. @@@
  2. Participants must be at least 19 years of age or older.
  3. Participants must be enrolled in CPSC @@@.
  4. Participants must be willing to use the Eclipse IDE for all course assignments.

16. Excluded

People who are not in CSXXX are excluded. Students who use a development environment other than Eclipse (approx N% last time this class was taught) are excluded.
People who do not meet the above criteria are excluded.

17. Approach to subjects

Announcement in class?
The co-investigator will make an announcement in class requesting participation. Via the course staff, a notice will also be posted in the course newsgroup.

20. Method

In all experiments, students will be asked to download a plug-in for Eclipse, to turn on logging when they work on their assignments for the particular class, turn off logging when they are working on a different assignment, and to hand in their log file when they hand in their assignment.
We will also need cooperation from the instructor and/or teaching assistant to provide us with the assignment submission, log file, and grade for the assignment.
We will also need cooperation from the CS @@@ instructor and/or teaching assistant to provide us with the assignment submission, log file, and grade for the assignment.

22a. How much time?

  • Install logger

Revision 52006-11-07 - DuckySherwood

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META TOPICPARENT name="DuckyHomework"

Ducky Ethics Approval Form Draft Notes

DEADLINES for minimal risk studies - Nov 10, Dec 1, Dec 21
Line: 49 to 49
  • Advertisement to recruit students?
  • Subject consent form
  • Fee for service form?
Where are the dang forms??? @@@

1. PI

Murphy, Gail C. Professor Science/Computer Science N/A N/A N/A +1-604/822-5169 ph +1-604/822-5485 fax murphy at cs.ubc.ca

2. minimal risk

@@@ Is this minimal risk? The Tri-Council Policy Statement sure seems to imply that, but this is not a questionnaire or use of prior information. Wolfman's paper seems to imply that we are minimal risk.

3. funding

NOT funded by for-profit sponsor

4. where

UBC (also UVic?)

5. title

Developer interaction patterns as predictors of code quality @@@ maybe just Finding developer interaction patterns

no additional title proposed period: 2007/01/01 to 2007/05/01 @@@?

6. requirements

@@@ need to know if this is minimal risk or not

I need to do a consent form... DuckyEthicsConsentForm see about getting other consent forms from Gail

7. Signatures

need Gail and Bill

8. Contact

I assume Gail is the contact, see info from 1. address: 201-2366 Main Mall, V6T 1Z4

9. Co-investigator

SHERWOOD Kaitlin Duck Graduate Science @@@?/CPSC N/A Vancouver N/A N/A

9c qualifications

The principal investigator (Gail Murphy) and co-investigator (Kaitlin Sherwood) will conduct the studies. Dr. Murphy totally rocks@@@. Ms. Sherwood is currently a graduate student at UBC and has been a teaching assistant for two upper-division Human-Computer Interaction classes (CPSC 344 and 444), both of which include instruction on both human subjects procedures and experimental procedures. (@@@More?@@@: She has approximately fifteen years of industrial experience and has authors two books.)

9d TCPS tutorial


10 Funding source

@@@ not sure

11 peer review

no? supposed to get committee approval?

12 other institutions

@@@ don't know

13. Summary of research



Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are the principal tools used by computer scientists to write and/or modify software.

Purpose and objective

We hope to learn to recognize specific techniques that software developers use that correlate with the quality of the code that they generate.


Hypothesis: when developers interact with IDEs, there are usage patterns whose appearance or frequency correlate with the skill of the programmer as measured by the quality of their code submissions.




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Revision 42006-11-02 - DuckySherwood

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META TOPICPARENT name="DuckyHomework"

Ducky Ethics Approval Form Draft Notes

DEADLINES for minimal risk studies - Nov 10, Dec 1, Dec 21
Line: 71 to 71
 Announcement in class?

20. Method

In all experiments, students will be asked to download a plug-in for Eclipse, to turn on logging when they work on their assignments for the particular class, turn off logging when they are working on a different assignment, and to hand in their log file when they hand in their assignment.

We will also need cooperation from the instructor and/or teaching assistant to provide us with the assignment submission, log file, and grade for the assignment.


22a. How much time?

  • Install logger
Line: 82 to 84

23. What risks?

If the plug-in is not rock-solid stable, it could crash and cause the subject to lose work. (@@@ where do I put in that we want to make damn sure it doesn't crash)
Long-term, if we can correlate
Long-term, if we can correlate patterns in usage logs to coding performance, there are two dangers:
  • Companies could use telemetry data as a factor in hiring decisions.

24. Benefits?

We hope that by participating in the study, the users will benefit indirectly from
  • improved tools
We hope that by participating in the study, the users will benefit indirectly from improvements in development tools and/or teaching methods that result from this study.


Revision 32006-11-02 - DuckySherwood

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META TOPICPARENT name="DuckyHomework"

Ducky Ethics Approval Form Draft Notes

DEADLINES for minimal risk studies - Nov 10, Dec 1, Dec 21
  Purpose: collect data on how students actually program in an IDE (Eclipse) and explore the data. If we find differences between the logs of high-scoring and low-scoring code development sessions, that could potentially be used to teaching and/or development tools.
Line: 43 to 44
  Question: who holds the id<->person mapping? Can it be destroyed after the data is submitted? Are we likely to want to do follow-up interviews?
Forms needed:
  • Application form
  • Advertisement to recruit students?
  • Subject consent form
  • Fee for service form?

13. Summary of research

Purpose and objective





15. Subject description

Students in Computer Science XXX.

Inclusion criteria: student in a computer science course which uses the Java programming language and has individually executed and graded assignments. Subjects must have at least one semester of familiarity with the the Eclipse development tool (which is already recommended) and be willing to use it again exclusively for this course.

16. Excluded

People who are not in CSXXX are excluded. Students who use a development environment other than Eclipse (approx N% last time this class was taught) are excluded.

17. Approach to subjects

Announcement in class?

20. Method


22a. How much time?

  • Install logger
  • Task switch
  • Hand in context
  • Deal with crashes

23. What risks?

If the plug-in is not rock-solid stable, it could crash and cause the subject to lose work. (@@@ where do I put in that we want to make damn sure it doesn't crash)

Long-term, if we can correlate

24. Benefits?

We hope that by participating in the study, the users will benefit indirectly from
  • improved tools

Revision 22006-11-01 - TWikiGuest

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META TOPICPARENT name="DuckyHomework"

Ducky Ethics Approval Form Draft Notes

Line: 37 to 37
  Urk. "Fewest subjects" requirement. Urk. How do we know?
Question: how much do we have to tell them upfront about the purpose of the research?

Question: do we have rights to secondary use of information from the previous usage study?

Question: who holds the id<->person mapping? Can it be destroyed after the data is submitted? Are we likely to want to do follow-up interviews?

Revision 12006-10-31 - DuckySherwood

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META TOPICPARENT name="DuckyHomework"

Ducky Ethics Approval Form Draft Notes

Purpose: collect data on how students actually program in an IDE (Eclipse) and explore the data. If we find differences between the logs of high-scoring and low-scoring code development sessions, that could potentially be used to teaching and/or development tools.

Subjects: students in a computer science class which uses Eclipse/Java for individual programming assignments.

Question: which level? 200 or 300 or both? which class?

Needed from subjects: logs of their coding activity for each assignment plus the assignment handed in plus the grade that they got for the assignment.

Also needed: someone to obfuscate identities, so that we don't know who did which assignment.

Question: do we need to obfuscate what code is being modified? I don't think so, tho we probably want them to use Mylar to only give us that assignment's context.

Question: do we want to keep track of which assignments belong to which students, or have each trace/handin/grade tuple be separate?

Possible downsides for the student: slightly slower performance on Eclipse; feeling self-conscious while coding?

Compensation: ?

Possible follow-ons: look at differences between logs of professionals and students; between IDEs; between languages.

Or if the logs say that the mechanics aren't that important, that the thinking is, then maybe diverge into testing thinking ability in various ways and seeing if we can do some remedial thinking training. (?)

Potential harms:

  • The monitoring plug-in could make Eclipse crash, causing them to lose work.
  • If there is a recognizable difference between traces of good code development and bad code development, companies could use logging to make hire/no-hire decisions and/or performance appraisals. Companies could focus on raw coding development skills (as given by the score of the log) to the exclusion of other useful skills (like documentation, vision, quality of comments, etc).
  • Companies could track their coders' work tightly enough to make the coders feel pressured and stressed. Overreliance on coding score could lead coders to "game the system" by altering their interaction patterns even to the detriment of code quality or speed.
  • If instrumenting developers' tools proves successful in evaluating coders, this technique could potentially be used in other domains. While very little of a coder's personal life leaves a trace in their code, one can imagine instrumenting email as well, where there is a huge amount of personal information that routinely travels around in email.

Things to watch out for: DUCKY must make the appeal to students, NOT the instructor, and make it clear that the instructor is at most a transport mechanism.

Review: This seems like a minimal harm study, so an annual review is probably fine.

Urk. "Fewest subjects" requirement. Urk. How do we know?

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