Difference: PreviousSRVC2007 ( vs. 1)

Revision 12008-02-25 - DavidMeger

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META TOPICPARENT name="TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge"

UBC SRVC 2007 Team Legacy Information

This page contains some information which applied to the 2007 version of UBC's SRVC entry (winners of that year's contest). The information may now be out of date, but can be used as a reference.


  • During our initial development, I have proposed separating the SVN repository based on the rough structure our teams seem to be taking on. Please add your code under the appropriate folder, and organize the lower-levels as you see fit. This can easily be changed in the future, but currently the top-level directories are:
      • CLASSIFY
      • DOC
      • ROBOT
      • WEB


  • A data-set of 31 views of objects captured from Bart.
    • look under /lci/project/raid1/srvc/bumblebee1
    • frameXX_depth0.png Raw disparity image from PGR library
    • frameXX_depth.png Scaled disparity image to look at smile
    • frameXX_left.png Left frame 1024x768 RGB
    • frameXX_right.png Right frame 1024x798 RGB
    • Here is a composite showing these four images: bumblebee1_example.png


  • Canon capture library at sourceforge: http://capture.sourceforge.net/
    • I've (Scott) installed the software and tried using it with my Canon A70. I haven't tried all the features, but it was fairly straightforward to zoom, use the flash, and capture and download a photo. Not wickedly fast though.

  • An unintelligent Google image search shell script: fetcher.sh Updated April 14
    • Usage: ./fetcher "search string" num_pages
    • Examples:
      • To search for tiger and get the first three pages of results: ./fetcher "tiger" 3
      • To search for tiger and woods: ./fetcher "tiger woods" 3
      • To search for the exact phrase "tiger woods": ./fetcher "\"tiger woods\"" 3
      • To search for tiger with no mention of woods: ./fetcher "tiger -woods" 3
    • The script will create a folder named similarly to the search string and place the images returned on the first page of Google's image search into the folder. If two images have the same name, the first one will be saved normally (i.e. image.jpg), but the next one will be saved with an extra number (i.e. image.jpg.1).

Image libraries

-- DavidMeger - 25 Feb 2008

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Table from Dave Meger" date="1170892029" moveby="dpmeger" movedto="LCI.PreviousSRVC2007" movedwhen="1203976629" movefrom="LCI.TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge" name="subTasks.pdf" path="subTasks.pdf" size="294582" user="perfo" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="640x480 robot sequence" date="1171671254" moveby="dpmeger" movedto="LCI.PreviousSRVC2007" movedwhen="1203976690" movefrom="LCI.TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge" name="right.mpg" path="right.mpg" size="6030146" user="perfo" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="stereo from robot sequence" date="1171671288" moveby="dpmeger" movedto="LCI.PreviousSRVC2007" movedwhen="1203976710" movefrom="LCI.TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge" name="stereo.mpg" path="stereo.mpg" size="5563108" user="perfo" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="sample image" date="1171672784" moveby="dpmeger" movedto="LCI.PreviousSRVC2007" movedwhen="1203976730" movefrom="LCI.TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge" name="cat01.png" path="cat01.png" size="1119367" user="perfo" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="sample image" date="1171672830" moveby="dpmeger" movedto="LCI.PreviousSRVC2007" movedwhen="1203976755" movefrom="LCI.TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge" name="heli03.png" path="heli03.png" size="1126900" user="perfo" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="sample image" date="1171672851" moveby="dpmeger" movedto="LCI.PreviousSRVC2007" movedwhen="1203976776" movefrom="LCI.TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge" name="keg01.png" path="keg01.png" size="1119618" user="perfo" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="sample image" date="1171672886" moveby="dpmeger" movedto="LCI.PreviousSRVC2007" movedwhen="1203976802" movefrom="LCI.TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge" name="robo03.png" path="robo03.png" size="1139119" user="perfo" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="bash shell script that uses wget and gawk to gather images from the first page of a google image search and dump them to a folder" date="1172871967" moveby="dpmeger" movedto="LCI.PreviousSRVC2007" movedwhen="1203976824" movefrom="LCI.TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge" name="fetcher.sh" path="fetcher.sh" size="588" user="sanchom" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Example of scene from dataset bumblebee1" date="1173227139" moveby="dpmeger" movedto="LCI.PreviousSRVC2007" movedwhen="1203976860" movefrom="LCI.TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge" name="bumblebee1_example.png" path="bumblebee1_example.png" size="302572" user="perfo" version="1.1"
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