Difference: GameTheoryTraffic (20 vs. 21)

Revision 212007-10-16 - XiAliceGao

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-- ErikZawadzki - 07 Sep 2007
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A Distributed Approach for Coordination of Traffic Signal Agents Ana L. C. Bazzan Multiple intersections Maximize throughput and traffic saftey; minimize travel times and environmental costs Pseudo-agent multiagent learning approach Some good cites. The multiagent learning seems a little hacky
Game Theory: Potential Applications in Transportation Planning Karim A. S. Ismail Multiple intersections Finding out applications for game theory in traffic Driver timing, Road Pricing, Traffic Assignment, Public Transport, Signal Timing Looks like a good start
Traffic adaptive control of a single intersection: A taxonomy of approaches R.T. van Katwijk, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn Single Intersection Minimize the delay experienced by vehicles through manipulation of the traffic signal timings. Various, mostly MDP-type frameworks. Dynamic programming and tree-search used to optimize Good overview of adaptive controllers, but Porche & Lafortune (1997) is a better written overview
| [[http://paginas.fe.up.pt/~eol/PUBLICATIONS/2006/Eumas06_ITSUMO_final.pdf][Reinforcement Learning-based Control of Traffic Lights in Non-stationary Environments]] | Oliveira et al. | 9 intersection grid | Optimize light policy | Model with cellular automata, use RL learning|
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Control Marco Wiering 2x3 intersection Optimize Traffic lights Simlulate with discrete simulation; use RL  
Effects of Co-Evolution in a Complex Traffic Network Bazzan et al. 6x6 grid Optimize lighting control Look at Greedy or Adaptive drivers, Greedy, Adaptive, or Q-Learning lights. Small slice of agent, relatively few iterations allowed + no burn-in
Reinforcement Learning-based Control of Traffic Lights in Non-stationary Environments Oliveira et al 9 intersection grid Optimize light policy Model with cellular automata, use RL learning  


Title Author Scope Problem Solution Comments
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Traffic Calming in Three European Cities: Recent Experience Andrew Nash Three European Cities n/a n/a A laundry list of how Zurich, Vienna, and Munich have dealt with traffic calming
Learning Cooperative Lane Selection Strategies for Highways D. Moriarty and P Langley Single highway How should 'smart cars' switch lanes in a highway? Evolutionary algorithms Strange problem setting (a device that tells you what lane you should be in, once you give it a speed preference?), strange solution
Implementation of the OPAC adaptive control strategy in a traffic signal network Nathan H. Gartner et al. Multiple intersection Minimize delays and stops Rolling horizon tree-search approach, which synchronization layer Seems like a good approach, similar to ALLONS-D in goals and motivations. Gartner has other publications, and seems to cite few other people than himself... draw your own conclusions :)
[http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/310000/301193/p198-rogers.pdf?key1=301193&key2=1550070911&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=626325&CFTOKEN=63227024][An Adaptive Interactive Agent for Route Advice]] S Rogers, C Fiechter, P Langley route advice system How to build an adaptive interactive agent to generate route advice based on user preferences Agent generates route choices and update user model by observing feedback from user, assign costs to attributes of roads (travel time, length, road type) pretty simple approach, using some kind of learning/optimization, possible future work include better learning algorithm + taking into account of dynamic attributes (current road conditions)
An Adaptive Interactive Agent for Route Advice S Rogers, C Fiechter, P Langley route advice system How to build an adaptive interactive agent to generate route advice based on user preferences Agent generates route choices and update user model by observing feedback from user, assign costs to attributes of roads (travel time, length, road type) pretty simple approach, using some kind of learning/optimization, possible future work include better learning algorithm + taking into account of dynamic attributes (current road conditions)
A Collaborative Driving System Based on Multiagent Modelling and Simulations S Halle, B Chaib-draa some automated cars on a straight, one way, two lanes, highway segment which are good coordination models for collaborative driving system (platoons of collaborating vehicles) compared to centralized model, the multiagent teamwork model is more safe and flexible, but requires more messages to be communicated. part of the Automobile of the 21st Century (Auto21) supported by Government of Canada, interesting idea, try to tackle traffic from driving perspective instead of from redesigning traffic facilities
The Network Effects of Alternative Road Pricing Systems A D May et al network analysis done for city of Cambridge and York which 4 charging systems perform better in terms of its positive impact on traffic distribution network analysis produced different results than conceptual analysis, possible future work include incorporating dynamic route guidance so that drivers are aware of the possible charges in advance good facts about realistic charging systems for road use - make me wonder how highway 407 in Toronto does the charging.
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