Difference: TeachingTips (26 vs. 27)

Revision 272008-12-16 - BenjaminYu

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Teaching Tips (including Best Practices)

Line: 172 to 172
  • If you just want to browse multiple iterations of one particular course, it's probably best to click through with the "Continue" button. Note that when you add more years, they show up on the bottom of the list, so the unwary user might thing that nothing had changed.
  • But you can get email that tells you all the courses for a particular term. That's more useful if you want to figure out, for example, prevailing custom for the course average or understand enrollment distributions. Not to mention being just plain interesting. I've dumped the email for 2006W for an example. Some kind (or procrastinating) soul could do this for all previous terms and put them up here for us to peruse! -Tamara

First Day of Class

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="First Day of Class" date="1229471018" name="FirstDayOfClass.pdf" path="FirstDayOfClass.pdf" size="273666" user="benyu" version="1.1"
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