Difference: FundingInfo (18 vs. 19)

Revision 192012-02-01 - MichielVanDePanne

Line: 1 to 1

Funding Info

Funding Sources


Targetted funding for faculty

  • Microsoft has a fellowship program for new faculty (http://research.microsoft.com/ur/us/nff/) for $100,000 a year for 2 years. It's open to US and Canadian faculty members. The ligibility requirements are as of the application year you must:
    • be in your first, second, or third year as a faculty member
    • be in your first faculty position
    • be no more than 6 years from the completion of your most recent PhD
    • be the only one nominated by your university

Graduate Fellowship Sources:

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Advice from 2010 on Discovery and RTI applications" date="1268429163" name="nserc-discovery-and-rti.pdf" path="nserc-discovery-and-rti.pdf" size="92459" user="rbridson" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1328137341" name="UBC-SPG-outreach-2012.pdf" path="UBC-SPG-outreach-2012.pdf" size="476814" user="van" version="1.1"
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