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  -- Joyce Poon - 28 Apr 2005

How much does a grad student cost?

Posted by Kevin Murphy, 7 June 2005.

From: Kevin Leyton-Brown <kevinlb@cs.ubc.ca> To: junior-faculty@csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca Date: Mar 16, 2005 8:09 PM Subject: How much do students cost? Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Add sender to Contacts list | Trash this message | Report phishing | Show original Hi,

After spending a while with Joyce today, I got numbers on how much students cost per year based on the amount of TAing they do. She tended towards breaking things down into months, by term, etc., which was making it confusing to compare to my annual grant budgets. You guys may already know this, but if not these numbers may be helpful. The numbers are rounded off but should give you a sense of how much it would cost to say yes to that Masters student in your class who can't find a supervisor... smile

During the summer, there are two terms, during each of which they can TA. They actually pay slightly different amounts, but I've picked a number in between the two values to make things simpler.


During the school year: $800/term if they TA, $5,800/term if the don't TA During the summer: $2,000 if they TA both periods; $4,000 if they TA one period; $5,800 if they don't TA at all.

Therefore, an MSc student who TAs: - as much as possible: $3,600 / yr - all year and once in the summer: $5,600 / yr - once during the year and not at all in the summer: $12,400 / yr - not at all: $17,300 / yr


During the school year: $1,400/term if they TA, $6,600/term if they don't During the summer: $2,700 if they TA twice; $4,500 if they TA once; $6,600 if they don't TA at all.

Therefore, a PhD student who TAs: - as much as possible: $5,500 / yr - all year and once in the summer: $7,300 / yr - once during the year and not at all in the summer: $14,600 / yr - not at all: $19,700 / yr

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