SEQIT: Visualizing Sequences of Interest in Eye Tracking Data

The SEQIT visualization system.


Eye tracking is becoming widely used in HCI and many other fields to study user behaviour. Eye tracking data explains user attention patterns in great detail, but analysis is a challenge because of its volume and complexity. Various visualizations have been designed to aid such data analysis, but none of them focuses on the sequential patterns in eye gaze, which can reveal insights in user behaviours. We present the SEQIT visualization system designed for sequence analysis of eye tracking data. Using pre-defined areas of interest (AOI), SEQIT aggregates fixations into AOI visits and presents sequences of AOI visits in a timeline view. It supports comparisons between multiple sequences and exploration of sequence patterns associated with user characteristics.


SEQIT: Visualizing Sequences of Interest in Eye Tracking Data
Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis), Chicago, USA, 2015.
[Pre-Print PDF] [BibTeX]


The poster being presented at VIS 2015.

Poster (PDF, 5.9 MB)


The video preview introduces SEQIT and the extended video explains SEQIT's interface components and provides usage examples.

Video Preview (Vimeo, 30s)

Extended Video (YouTube, 1 min 40 sec)

Technical Report

The technical report describes SEQIT in more details.

Tech Report (PDF, 1.6 MB)


A demo of SEQIT is available here.


SEQIT is available as open source on GitHub.

Last modified: August 16, 2015