Yan Peng

Table of Contents

PhD candidate
Department of Computer Science

University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

Email: (@ yanpeng '(cs . ubc . ca))


Hi there! Glad that you find me. I hope you can get something inspiring from here.

I'm a fifth year PhD student at the University of British Columbia. I'm working with Professor Mark Greenstreet on formal methods and formal verification. Here is my resume.

Why do we need formal methods and formal verification?

As a Ph.D. student still at school, I would say, it's because it's fun. To solve formal verification problems is like to solve puzzles with well-crafted computer programs. I can still remember the rejoice and excitement when I first found a counter-example that pinpoints a glitch bug from a large circuit module. Only a piece of freshly-made mango mousse cake can compete with that. Other than the fun of it, doing formal methods and formal verification make you think more about programs. You would constantly ask yourself: "Why would I believe this function terminate?", "Why is there no deadlock?", "Why is this algorithm correct?" and etc. You will become a better programmer at the end of the day.

As a practical researcher, I would also tell you that formal verification is largely needed. Traditional testing is not good enough for making sure of the correctness of programs. Often, it suffers from the problem that testing can't be exhaustive. For example, you can't test every number from the real numbers. Even for the discrete space, no one want to test all 264 possible values, right? This is what makes formal methods attractive. Imagine using formal logic to reason about programs themselves, instead of dwelling upon each individual inputs.

Let's see if you can find what is wrong about this piece of code:

;; Replace all sublists that matches old-list in char-list with new-list
(defun replace-sublist (char-list old-list new-list)
  (cond ((endp char-list) nil)
        ((equal (take (len old-list) char-list) old-list)
         (append new-list (replace-sublist (nthcdr (len old-list) char-list) old-list new-list)))
        (t (cons (car char-list) (replace-sublist (cdr char-list) old-list new-list

Research Projects

Integrating SMT Solvers into a Theorem Prover paper repository documentation

My first project and my major project.

This is an idea that combines SMT solvers with a theorem prover. The starting point of this combination has nothing to do with an SMT solver, nor a theorem prover. Instead, we were aiming at proving global convergence of a digital Phase-Locked Loop. After a while of researching, we find Z3's arithmetic capabilities super powerful. We developed a mathematical proof. For arithmetic inequalities in the proof, which are not within the computing power of a human brain, we use Z3 for discharging the claims.

However, we are not satisfied with that, because there are still unproven theorems that form the other parts or the structure of this proof. For example, there is an induction proof that is very crucial to the circuit convergence. Unfortunately, the current Z3 does not handle that kind of induction proof. Then, ta-da, we found ACL2.

We combine Z3 as an external procedure for ACL2 and we call our interface Smtlink. With its help, we are able to formulate the other parts of our proof into ACL2 and when ACL2 becomes slow in proving complicated arithmetic formulas, we fire Z3. We also applied the tool to several other problems described below.

A huge amount of work has been done to ensure the soundness of this integration. Check out the code and paper for detail.

Proving Hazard-freedom of An Asynchronous Pipeline paper

Timed asynchronous circuits is like a concurrent system, for which instead of connecting computers, they connect circuit gates. And like concurrent systems, they follow certain hand-shaking protocols in order for signals to transmit in the right way. They have the same properties of being nondeterministic, that is events can happen in different orders. Timing constraints are required for the timed asynchronous circuits to work correctly.

We modelled timed asynchronous circuits using timed traces and proved safety properties of self-timed pipelines with an inductive invariant. We use Smtlink for the proof.

Catching Glitches in a Net paper

Just like what compilers do, in digital circuit design, a logic synthesis tool is used for compiling high-level RTL behavioural models into gate-level netlist implementations. Even though logic synthesis maintains boolean equivalence, it is still possible to introduce bugs into the netlist implementation even when the RTL behavioural model prohibits such bugs. This is due to the lack of knowledge about timing in logic synthesis.

We use the theorem prover ACL2 and the SAT solver Glucose to help circuit designers identify such bugs and we've got very nice results. This is the first time for me to use formal methods to solve a real-world-scale problem. The process is both challenging and exciting.

Machine Learning Convergence Proofs report

Mathematicians working in the optimization aspect of machine learning have been continuously coming up with new optimization algorithms that promotes the efficiency of machine learning tasks. Simple algorithms had already been explored and new algorithms tend to be much more sophisticated as in why they should achieve better performance. A typical proof of convergence rate can expand 10 or more pages with a lot of details being omitted. In another perspective, the researchers have strong belief that they are over-constraining their algorithm parameters. It will be great if their proofs can be made symbolic so that they can easily push the parameters to the limit and see if the proofs will break.

This report is a very prelimitary attempt at automating machine learning proofs to solve above problems.

Automatic Differentiation report

Automatic differentiation automatically calculates the exact gradient of a function at a specific data point.

For analog circuits verification, it will be very useful if a program can easily calculates the tendency of change of any quantity in the circuit in comparison to another quantity. For example, we can properly model a correctness specification for a circuit in a mathematical function. We can also produce a mathematical model for a circuit. The correctness function will in some sense relate to the circuit model's state variables or even parameters. Thus, by calculating the derivatives, we are able to see the relative relations between those quantities. This information can be used in proving specifications of a circuit, generating new designs and etc.

This prelimitary work attempts at applying automatic differentiation to real circuit designs modelled in MATLAB functions.


Type Inference Using Meta-extract for Smtlink and Beyond paper slides
Yan Peng, Mark R. Greenstreet, The 16th International Workshop on the ACL2 Theorem Prover and Its Applications (ACL2-2020).

Cauchy-Schwarz in ACL2(r) Abstract Vector Spaces paper
Carl Kwan, Yan Peng, Mark R. Greenstreet, The 16th International Workshop on the ACL2 Theorem Prover and Its Applications (ACL2-2020).

Verifying Timed, Asynchronous Circuits using ACL2 paper slides
Yan Peng, Mark R. Greenstreet, The 25th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC-2019).

Smtlink 2.0 paper slides
Yan Peng, Mark R. Greenstreet, The 15th International Workshop on the ACL2 Theorem Prover and Its Applications (ACL2-2018).

Finding Glitches Using Formal Methods paper slides
Yan Peng, Ian W. Jones, Mark R. Greenstreet, The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC 2016).

Extending ACL2 with SMT solvers paper slides
Yan Peng, Mark R. Greenstreet, The 13th Inernational Workshop on the ACL2 Theorem Prover and Its Applications (ACL2-2015).

Integrating SMT with Theorem Proving for Analog/Mixed-Signal Circuit Verification paper slides
Yan Peng, Mark R. Greenstreet, NASA Formal Methods (NFM-2015).

AMS verification with Theorem Proving and SMT paper slides
Yan Peng, Mark R. Greenstreet, The International Workshop on Frontiers in Analog CAD (FAC-2014).

Verifying Global Convergence for a Digital Phase-Locked Loop paper slides
Jijie Wei, Yan Peng, Grace Yu, Mark R. Greenstreet, The 13th Conference on Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD-2013).


Combining SMT with theorem proving for AMS verification : analytically verifying global convergence of a digital PLL thesis slides
Master of Science, Computer Science program, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 28th 2015.

Posters and Talks

Hardware Verification Using Theorem Proving and SMT/SAT Solving slides
IBM, Austin, Texas, US, Nov, 2018.

Defining and Detecting Synthesis-generated Glitches poster
Y. Peng, M. Greenstreet, I. Jones, the 56th Design Automation Conference (DAC-2018), San Francisco, CA, June, 2018.

Verifying Global Convergence of a Digital Phase-Locked Loop with Z3 poster
Y. Peng, M. Greenstreet, International Workshop on Design Automation for Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits, San Jose, CA, November, 2013.

Verifying Global Convergence of a Digital Phase-Locked Loop with Z3 slides
Microsoft, Redmond, WA, US, September, 2013.


  • APSC160 Introduction to Computation in Engineering Design (2012 W1)
  • CPSC312 Functional and Logic Programming (2013 W1)
  • CPSC311 Definition of Programming Languages (2015 W1)
  • CPSC418 Parallel Computing (2018 W1)


  • CPSC501 Introduction to Theory of Computing
  • CPSC521 Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
  • CPSC542G Topics in Numerical Computation - BREADTH SCI COMP
  • CPSC406 Computational Optimization
  • CPSC513 Integrated System Design (Formal Verification)
  • CPSC502 Artificial Intelligence I
  • CPSC314 Computer Graphics
  • CPSC540 Machine Learning
  • CPSC509 Programming Language Principles (AUDIT)

Other Interests

I love English transcription and English translation into Chinese. I'm a TED translator. Check out one of my favourite videos: Nathalie Cabrol: How Mars might hold the secret to the origin of life

I'm also a big fan of music and scifi readings. Check out this story that has given me a hit: The Algorithms for Love

Bug in the code?

Here's a little reward if you've managed to read till here – a hint to the bug in previous code:
What will happen if old-list is nil?

Author: Yan Peng

Created: 2020-12-18 Fri 23:59
