CPSC 533B: Paper Presentations

The in-class paper presentations will happen on the following days:
   February 28, March 7, March 14, March 21, and March 28.
There will be a maximum of three 30 minute talks presented per class. You should count on giving a 20-22 minute presentation, and there will be a short question and discussion following each talk. Your presentations should be done using Powerpoint. See the tips on planning a good presentation in the course reader, p. 164-171. You should practise your talk beforehand. I will cut off the presentation if it goes over 23 minutes, much like in a real conference. I will provide the laptop for the presentation. You should plan on giving me your presentation a day in advance so that I can ensure there will be no problems. Include animations of the results as part of the talk if at all possible.

A list of suggested papers is given below. You can choose other papers, but you should discuss your suggestion with me. Many of the papers are not in the course reader, but I can tell you where to find a copy if you cannot find it online.

Please email me (van@cs.ubc.ca) your choice of date and paper to present by 12 noon on Thursday February 6, so that we may have a talk schedule finalized for the Friday February 7 class.

Last modified: Thu Jan 30 23:14:46 Pacific Standard Time 2003