Instructions for Paper Formatting Graphics Interface 2005
May 9-11, 2005
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Graphics Interface papers are distributed for review electronically. The giformat.pdf file has additional information and instructions on the format we require papers to be presented in. Papers must not exceed 8 pages in length in the correct format. If you have trouble viewing or printing the PDF files included in this kit, try using Acroread 4.0.5; Acroread 5.0 has some "issues". Please get as close as you can to the standard GI format.

MS Word

A Word template has been provided for your convenience.

Convert MS Word files to PDF using Adobe Distiller. Please do not submit PDF unless you use the Adobe "Distiller" plugin. The Adobe PDFWriter plugin produces PDF directly but does not work for Word math fonts. Converting to PostScript and then trying to convert the PostScript on another machine may also not work due to the same font issue. Generally speaking, it's the math font that will cause you the most headaches, so check that math symbols are converting and printing properly. If you are doing a lot of math, you would be better off using pdflatex.



A LaTeX template has been provided. You will also need the style file: gipaper.cls

For LaTeX documents, to generate PDF you have three choices:

  1. You can generate a Postscript file generated by dvips from a normal DVI file and then convert it to PDF with Adobe Distiller or ghostview.
  2. You can set up your LaTeX file to use Postscript fonts and use dvips to generate Postscript, which can be converted to PDF with Adobe Distiller or ghostview.
  3. You can generate the PDF directly with pdflatex (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED).

For more information on the available options please visit the TeX User's Group. We cover each of the options in more detail below. However, in our experience the use of pdflatex produces the best output with the least effort. Conversion of standard DVI files does not produce resolution independent output and so tends to look bad both online and when printed. Use of PostScript fonts in DVI files can be hard and/or costly to set up if you want math fonts, and does not provide access to certain PDF features useful for online viewing. A class file has been provided along with some examples of how to include images, etc. under pdflatex in the GI author's kit.

DVI to PS to PDF

The first option is to use dvips to convert your regular dvi files to PostScript. As the normal DVI fonts are resolution-dependent, and the output imagesetter is very high resoltion, Please use at least 600dpi fonts, or preferably 1200dpi. PDF produced (via Distiller or ghostview) from dvips output will not have many useful features, in particular if standard TeX fonts are used it may render without antialiasing (so plus signs may turn into minus signs when displayed with Acrobat Reader, etc.). It will also not be searchable, and it will not have a table of contents. It may also be very large. In short, this approach produces a large ugly file, and is not recommended.

The next two options are better, as the fonts will be resolution independent and antialiased upon display.

Postscript Fonts

If you use Postscript fonts the PDF generated by converting Postscript output from dvips will be resolution independent and antialiased upon display. Of course you need Postscript fonts for all your fonts, including the math fonts. We refer you to the LaTeX Companion and the TeX User's Group's web site for information on how to set up Postscript fonts. This may be as simple as invoking the times and mathtimes packages if your system is set up correctly (and you have the mathtimes fonts).

PDF files generated this way will still not have a table of contents or be able to use any online PDF features, like hyperlinked crossreferences. These features are not important to printing, of course, but are convenient for online use.


The last way to generate a PDF file from LaTeX sources is to use the free tool pdflatex, which we highly recommend. This system is built upon pdftex, an enhancement of TeX which can generate resolution-independent, searchable PDF directly. If you also include the standard hyperref LaTeX package when compiling your document, the resulting PDF will automatically have a hierarchical table of contents and citations, footnotes and cross-references will be hyperlinked. You can also reference Web URLs and have a web browser automatically come up when a hyperlink is clicked in the Acrobat reader. This is all demonstrated in the source for the example file available in the GI author's kit. See the TeX User's Group's web site for documentation on hyperref and pdflatex.

The rest of this section is included to help you set up your LaTeX 2e documents in a form suitable for pdflatex. If you do not have pdflatex, obtain and install the teTeX distribution. This is in fact available as a Linux package and is the default distribution on many Linux installations. If you have a Linux system set up, it may already be there, along with all the image conversion tools you'll need. If you're running Windows, the MiKTeX package installs easily and also has all you'll need.

The main issue with modifying LaTeX 2e files into a form suitable for pdflatex is that images must be included using the graphics package, not the obsolete epsf or psfig packages. As a first step, invoke the graphics package in your preamble:


Note that a [dvips] option to the above lets you output DVI files instead of PDF. We won't go into that too much as DVI isn't our goal, PDF is. To include images, instead of using


or whatever, use


Note that the format suffix is optional, and the width and height are automatically inferred from the file. For files that do not have a built-in physical size, the size is inferred by using the image resolution defined in the pdftex.cfg file, which also defines useful things like page size. If a format suffix is not provided for a graphic, pdflatex will first look for a file a file called filename.png. If such a file does not exist, then filename.jpg will be searched for, then if that file does not exist, filename.pdf will be searched for. It's usually more flexible to not include the suffix. Put it in only if you want to force the use of a certain file.


The teTeX distribution includes a tool, epstopdf, to convert EPS files to PDF, and you can also do this with the latest version of ghostview or with Abode Acrobat, Illustrator, or Photoshop. Several public-domain packages (such as ImageMagick) now support PNG files; see the PNG web site for pointers and conversion tools; Photoshop and many other commercial packages now also support PNG. In a pinch, you can use JPEG images for 24-bit images, just set the quality level to 100%.

If you are generating DVI (i.e. you are using the [dvips] option) then latex will search for EPS files rather than PNG, JPEG and PDF files for images. Even in this case it is best to leave off the suffix when you include images, so you don't have to change your source other than the option on the \usepackage{graphics} line in the preamble.

Unfortunately, your image file probably isn't exactly the size you want, especially if the physical size was inferred from the resolution of the image. The graphics package provides a few commands to scale or resize the image. The scalebox command scales a box, and you use it like this:


where a scale_factor of 1 will leave the box untouched, 0.5 will halve its dimensions, and so forth. Typically you'll put an includegraphics command in the box, like this:


The resizebox command resizes a box, possibly non-uniformly. That is, the aspect ratio of the box is not necessarily fixed. This command is handy if you don't know (or care) what the original physical size of the graphic was. You use it like this:


Sometimes, however, you don't know exactly how tall or wide you want the image. A very common task would be to resize a box so it's as wide as your text, but keeps the same aspect ratio. You can achieve this effect by substituting "!" for either of width or height in the resizebox command (but not both!), so if you wanted an image that was 8cm tall, but otherwise with the original aspect ratio, you'd do this:


or, if you wanted to have your image be as wide as a column of text, and retain its aspect ratio, you'd use this:


Of course, you might also want to center your images, put them in floats, attach captions, etc. A complete template is

	An example caption. 