Focus+Context Leung and Apperly taxonomy A Review and Taxonomy of Distortion-Oriented Presentation Techniques. Y.K. Leung and M.D. Apperley, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1994, pp. 126-160. [] Nonlinear Magnification Fields Nonlinear Magnification Fields. Alan Keahey, Proc InfoVis 1997 [] 2D Hyperbolic Trees The Hyperbolic Browser: A Focus + Context Technique for Visualizing Large Hierarchies. John Lamping and Ramana Rao, Proc SIGCHI '95. [] 3D Hyperbolic Graphs H3: Laying Out Large Directed Graphs in 3D Hyperbolic Space. Tamara Munzner, Proc InfoVis 97 [] TreeJuxtaposer TreeJuxtaposer: Scalable Tree Comparison using Focus+Context with Guaranteed Visibility. Munzner, Guimbretiere, Tasiran, Zhang, and Zhou. SIGGRAPH 2003. [] hyperbolic geometry background, if time 2