CPSC 414, Fall 2003-2004: Books


Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with OpenGL by Edward Angel, 3rd Edition
Addison Wesley

  • Ordered at the UBC Bookstore ($103.95).
    There may be a number of used copies available for purchase at a reduced price.
  • Chapters.ca sells the 3rd edition for $108.95, ostensibly ships in 24 hours.
  • Amazon.com sells it for US$93.00, ostensibly ships in 24 hours
  • Amazon.ca does not stock this book as of Sep 3 2003.

Older Edition of Textbook

Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with OpenGL by Edward Angel, 2nd Edition
Addison Wesley

Some used copies possibly available at the UBC Bookstore

Other Graphics Texts

Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Second Edition in C by James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John F. Hughes.

The classical introductory text to computer graphics. The book is getting dated (e.g. it uses PHIGS rather than OpenGL and does not cover some of the more recent developments).


There are several books available for use on OpenGL. You do not need to purchase these books (they are expensive). Although nice to read in a hardcopy, the entire Red Book and Blue Book are on-line. If you want to buy only one of the two, definitely pick the Red Book.
The OpenGL Programming Guide (available online) (a.k.a. the "Red Book") is indespensible if you plan to explore OpenGL more fully.

If you do purchase the Red Book, be sure you get Volume 2 or Volume 3. The examples in these volumes use GLUT in addition to OpenGL (GLUT provides windowing and event handling to OpenGL programs). Volume 1 used the precursor to GLUT called AUX. 

There is a copy of this book available at the Course Reserves desk in Koerner Library for 2-hour loan: the call numberis T 385 N435 1993.

The OpenGL Reference Manual (available online) gives the details about the abstract programming interface (API) to OpenGL.

You can also find documentation on all the API calls in the MSDN library. Just place your cursor on any OpenGL call in the VC++ editor window and press F1.

There is a copy of this book available at the Course Reserves desk in Koerner Library for 2-hour loan: the call numberis T 385 O64 1993.

OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT)

We are using GLUT version 3.7. The HTML version of the GLUT manual is available online.

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