2-2 – Preattentive Vision II

Type: Lecture           [notes]

Presenter: Ron Rensink

What will be covered:

• Guidance of visual search by attentional selection

• Complex preattentive properties that make detection easier

• Complex preattentive properties that make detection harder

Primary Readings:

Jeremy Wolfe, The Parallel Guidance of Visual Attention.  Current Directions in Psychological Science, 1: 124-128 (1992).

James T. Enns and Ronald A. Rensink, Influence of Scene-based Properties on Visual Search.  Science, 247: 721-723 (1990).

Ronald A. Rensink and James T. Enns, Early Completion of Occluded Objects.  Vision Research, 38: 2489-2505 (1998).


Ronald A. Rensink and James T. Enns, Preemption Effects in Visual Search: Evidence for Low-Level Grouping.  Psychological Review, 102: 101-130 (1995).


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