poole@CPSC-M-POOLE01 haskell % ghci GHCi, version 9.4.8: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help ghci> :set +s ghci> mm = minimax magicsum magicsum_start emptyDict :2:6: error: Variable not in scope: minimax :: t0 -> t1 -> t2 -> t Suggested fix: Perhaps use ‘minimum’ (imported from Prelude) :2:14: error: Variable not in scope: magicsum :2:23: error: Variable not in scope: magicsum_start :2:38: error: Variable not in scope: emptyDict (0.00 secs,) ghci> :l Minimax_mem [1 of 3] Compiling MagicSum_ord ( MagicSum_ord.hs, interpreted ) [2 of 3] Compiling TreeDict ( TreeDict.hs, interpreted ) [3 of 3] Compiling Minimax_mem ( Minimax_mem.hs, interpreted ) Ok, three modules loaded. (0.07 secs,) ghci> mm = minimax magicsum magicsum_start emptyDict (0.00 secs, 32,984 bytes) ghci> fst mm (9,0.0) (0.59 secs, 207,769,816 bytes) ghci> stats (snd mm) "Number of elements=4520, Depth=52" (0.01 secs, 8,005,992 bytes) ghci> 3^9 19683 (0.00 secs, 68,696 bytes) ghci> :l Mi Minimax_mem Mid1_pr.hs~ Mid1_previous.hs Minimax_memQ.hs Minimax2.hs Minimax_orig.hs Minimax_works.hs Mid1_pr.hs Minimax_mem_hash.hs~ MinimaxOK.hs Minimax_mem2.hs Minimax_mem.hs Minimax2.hs~ Minimax_mem_orig.hs Minimax.hs~ Minimax_mem_hash.hs Minimax.hs Minimax_mem.hs~ Minimax_memOK.hs ghci> :l Minimax_mem_hash.hs [1 of 5] Compiling Hash ( Hash.hs, interpreted ) [2 of 5] Compiling MagicSum_hash ( MagicSum_hash.hs, interpreted ) [3 of 5] Compiling TreeDict ( TreeDict.hs, interpreted ) [4 of 5] Compiling HashTreeDict ( HashTreeDict.hs, interpreted ) [5 of 5] Compiling Minimax_mem_hash ( Minimax_mem_hash.hs, interpreted ) Ok, five modules loaded. (0.04 secs,) ghci> :set +s ghci> mm = minimax magicsum magicsum_start emptyDict (0.00 secs, 29,864 bytes) ghci> mema = (snd mm) (0.00 secs, 29,872 bytes) ghci> stats mema "Number of elements=294778, Depth=45" (23.56 secs, 21,695,788,144 bytes) ghci>