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3 Proofs and Logical Consequences (ground)

Given the knowledge base KB containing the clauses:
a <- b & d.
b <- e & f.
c <- h & e.
d <- e.
d <- b & g.
e <- h.
g <- c & d.
  1. Show how the bottom-up proof procedure works for this example. Show at each stage the value of C. Give all logical consequences of KB.
  2. a isn't a logical consequence of KB. Explain what this means. Show why a isn't a logical consequence of KB.
  3. g is a logical consequence of KB. Explain what this means. Give a top-down derivation for the query ?g.
  • Solution to part (a)
  • Solution to part (b)
  • Solution to part (c)

  • Computational Intelligence online material, ©David Poole, Alan Mackworth and Randy Goebel, 1998

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