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Class soundmodel.AvalancheForce


public class AvalancheForce
extends SonicForce
Builds force used to trigger avalanche sound. This is more or less the contact force between snow and rock. Modeled by white noise which slopes up to maximumlevel at time t1, then remains at maximum intensity until time t2, then fades out until time t3 (which is the total duration of the force).

Constructor Index

 o AvalancheForce(double, double)
Allocate a force at samplingrate (must be 8012) and given duration (seconds).

Method Index

 o makeForce(double, double, double)
Create force, not bigger than maxforce (About 1.0 is normal.) Two setpoints are defined, t1 and t2.


 o AvalancheForce
 public AvalancheForce(double srat,
                       double time)
Allocate a force at samplingrate (must be 8012) and given duration (seconds).


 o makeForce
 public void makeForce(double maxforce,
                       double t1,
                       double t2)
Create force, not bigger than maxforce (About 1.0 is normal.) Two setpoints are defined, t1 and t2. Signal rises from t=0 to max value at t=t1. Decreases after t2 back to zero at t= time;

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