CPSC 304 Introduction to Database Systems

Practice ER to Relational answers


Question 1



Figure 1 : E-R Diagram for Question 1




a)      Translate the above E-R diagram to relations using the first method on page 83 – i.e., create a relation for each class and sub-class in an ISA hierarchy. 


·         N is an entity, so we’d create a table for it: N(c,d)

·         P is an entity, so we’d create a table for it: P(h,g)

·         Since M is a weak entity, we’d create one table for it and R, which contains the key of N as a key: M_R(a,b,c), where c is a foreign key of N.  Because R is a weak entity, we must delete a M_R tuple if the corresponding N tuples disappears

·         Now we create a relation for O, which must include the key of M.  The key of M includes the key of N since it is a weak entity, resulting in: O(e,a,c), where a and c are a foreign key of M_R.  Note that technically speaking c is really a foreign key of N, but since the requirements are that you must refer to the entire key of a table, we must have it refer to M_R’s key, rather than N’s.

·         S is a many to many relationship, so we’d create a table for it which includes the attributes of S and the keys of O and P, which together form the primary key of S: S(f,a,c,g), where a and c are foreign key references to O, and g is a foreign key reference to P.


Translating this into the required SQL, we get the answer to the question: the above was only reasoning, and was not required to be turned in.

CREATE TABLE N  (           c          integer,

                                                d          integer,

                                                PRIMARY KEY (c))

CREATE TABLE P   (           h          integer,

                                                g          integer,

                                                PRIMARY KEY (g))

CREATE TABLE M_R(        a          integer,

                                                b          integer,

                                                c          integer,

                                                PRIMARY KEY (a,c),

                                                FOREIGN KEY (c) REFERENCES N ON DELETE

CREATE TABLE O(             e          integer,

                                                a          integer,

                                                c          integer,

                                                PRIMARY KEY(a,c),

                                                FOREIGN KEY (a,c) REFERENCES M_R)

CREATE TABLE S(              f           integer,

                                                a          integer,

                                                c          integer,

                                                g          integer,

                                                PRIMARY KEY(a,c,g),

                                                FOREIGN KEY (a,c) REFERENCES O),

                                                FOREIGN KEY (g) REFERENCES P)


b)      Would you consider using the second method on page 83 (i.e., create a relation only for the sub-classes in the ISA hierarchy) to translate the ISA hierarchy in this diagram?  Why or why not? Note: the reasoning is what matters, not that you get the “right” answer.



In general, this wouldn’t be a good idea since there are relationships attached to the superclass, but since there is only one subclass, in this case, it would work.  However, you’d only want to do this if all M’s are O’s, which does make you wonder why you’d make the distinction in the first place.

Question 2

Consider the following case in music industry:


It’s represented in the following E-R diagram:



Figure 3 : E-R Diagram for Question 3


Translate the diagram above to relations by writing the database schema. To represent the ISA hierarchy, use the second method on page 83, i.e., create one relation for each subclass but not the superclass.



Translating this into SQL:

CREATE TABLE Promoter (      name                CHAR(20),

id                     INTEGER,

birthdate          DATE,

label_name      CHAR(20),

address                        CHAR(100),



CREATE TABLE Singer  (          name                CHAR(20),

id                     INTEGER,

birthdate          DATE,

origin               CHAR(20),


      CREATE TABLE Hall (              name                CHAR(20),

                                                            PRIMARY KEY (name) )


      CREATE TABLE Album (          id                     INTEGER,

                                                            Language        CHAR(20),

                                                            NoOfTracks    INTEGER,

                                                            Year                INTEGER,

                                                            PRIMARY KEY (id) )

      CREATE TABLE Release (         singer_id         INTEGER,

                                                            Album_id        INTEGER,

                                                            Date                DATE,

                                                            PRIMARY KEY(singer_id,album_id),

                                                            FOREIGN KEY (singer_id) REFERENCES Singer,

                                                            FOREIGN KEY (album_id) REFERENCES Album


      CREATE TABLE Promote (        singer_id         INTEGER,

                                                            Album_id        INTEGER,

                                                            Promoter_id    INTEGER,

                                                            Hall_name       Char(20)

                                                            PRIMARY KEY(singer_id,album_id,promoter_id,

                                                            FOREIGN KEY (singer_id,album_id)
                                                                                         REFERENCES Release,

                                                            FOREIGN KEY (hall_name) REFERENCES Hall,

                                                            FOREIGN KEY (promoter_id) REFERENCES