SQL Review Exercise I

Consider the following collection of relation schemes:

professor(profname, deptname)
department(deptname, building)
committee(commname, profname)

  1. Find all the professors who are in any one of the committees that professor Piper is in.

    select distinct B.profname 
    from committee A, committee B
    where A.profname = 'Piper' and B.commname = A.commname


    select distinct profname 
    from committee
    where commname in 
            (select commname 
             from committee 
             where profname = 'Piper')

  2. Find all the professors who are in at least all those committees that professor Piper is in.

    select distinct B.profname 
    from committee B 
    where  not exists
              ( (select commname 
                  from committee A 
                  where profname = 'Piper') 
               (select commname 
                from committee A 
                where A.profname = B.profname) )

                Note that in Oracle, we would use 'minus' rather than 'except' in this query

  3. Find all the professors who have not offices in any of  those buildings that Professor Piper has offices in.

    select distinct P.profname 
    from professor P
    where not exists
          ( (select building 
             from department D 
             where P.deptname = D.deptname ) 
           (select building 
            from department D1, professor P1
            where  P1.profname = 'Piper' and P1.deptname = D1.deptname) )

Last updated Feb 28 2003