1.  Course Essentials

Instructors: Uri Ascher and Chen Greif
Office: ICCS 223 (Uri) or ICCS 219 (Chen) (they are close to each other!)
Email: ascher@cs.ubc.ca (Uri) and greif@cs.ubc.ca (Chen)
Office hour: by appointment.
Teaching Assistant: Susanne Bradley (email smbrad@cs.ubc.ca)

Here is a brief overview of essential information for the course.

2.  Course Material

Assignments, slides, etc. are available here (password protected)

4.  Homework, grades

Homework. There will be approximately two assignments and your choice between a final exam or a project. The assignments will involve programming tasks in Matlab or a similar language of your choice.

Tentative grading scheme:

  • 60%: exam or project
  • 40%: assignments
The instructors reserve the right to change the grading scheme at any time.

5.  Textbook

Textbook: Uri Ascher and Chen Greif, A First Course in Numerical Methods, published by SIAM, 2011. Check out also the Matlab programs, and errata.

Recommended reference book: Michael T. Heath, Scientific Computing, an Introductory Survey, published by McGraw Hill, Second Edition (2002).