Current Students

Ryan Golbeck (Ph.D.) VM Level Support for AOP

Graduated PhD Students.

Shigeru Chiba
Tokyo Institute of Technology
A Study of a Compile-Time Metaobject Protocol
Cristina Lopes1
Associate Professor
University of California, Irvine
D: A Language Framework for Distributed Programming
Yvonne Coady2
Associate Professor
University of Victoria
Exploring an Aspect-Oriented Approach to Operating System Code
Jan Hannemann3
Post-Doctoral Researcher
University of Tokyo
Role Based Refactoring of Crosscutting Concerns
Christopher Dutchyn
Assistant Professor
University of  Saskatchewan
Dynamic Join Points: Models and Interactions
Andrew Eisenberg
Vancouver, BC
Presentation Techniques for more Expressive Programs

Graduated MSc Students

Stephan Gudmundson3     Dependencies in the Context of Aspect-Oriented Programming
Brian De Alwis An Aspect-Oriented Extension to Smalltalk
Maria Tkatchenko Uniform Support for Modeling Crosscutting Structure
Terry Hon Fluid AOP - Task Specific Modularity
Sam Davis Automatic Juxtaposition of Source Files
Immad Naseer Interpreter Implementation of Advice Weaving

1. Co-supervised with Karl Lieberherr, Northeastern University.
2. Co-supervised with Mike Feeley, UBC.
3. Co-supervised with Gail Murphy, UBC.