Song Information
Song Artist(s):Raffi
Song Title:Spider on the Floor

Album Information
Album:Singable Songs for the Very Young

Track Classification
MusicBrainz Genre:Children

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor.
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor.
Who could ask for anything more, than a spider on the floor.
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor.

Now the spider's on my leg, on my leg.
Now the spider's on my leg, on my leg.
Oh, I wish I had some Raid for this spider on my leg!
Now the spider's on my leg, on my leg.

Now the spider's on my chest, on my chest!
Now the spider's on my chest, on my chest!
Oh, I'd squish him in my vest, if it didn't make a mess!
Now the spider's on my chest, on my chest!

Now the spider's on my neck, on my neck!
Now the spider's on my neck on my neck!
Oh, I'm gonna be a wreck, I've got a spider on my neck!
Now the spider's on my neck on my neck!

Now the spider's on my face, on my face!
Now the spider's on my face, on my face!
Oh, what a big disgrace, I've got a spider on my face!
Now the spider's on my face, on my face

Now the spider's on my head, on my head!
Now the spider's on my head, on my head!
Oh, I wish that I were dead. I've got a spider on my head!
Now the spider's on my head, on my head!
But he jumps out!

Now there's a spider on the floor, on the floor.
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor.
Who could ask for anything more, than a spider on the floor.
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor.

Track Information
Published Time:2:17
Measured Time:2:14
Traktor Peak dB: 0.183
Traktor Perceived dB: 2.929

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:107.8
Traktor BPM: 138.3 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:B m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:b8762bf0-1298-ece1-a263-6307c5add933

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Raffi
Song Title:Spider on the Floor
First Release Year:1976

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
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XMULTHOL_006-08Harry BelafonteChristmas is Coming
RAFFI____4VY-05RaffiFive Little Frogs
POWERTRK_161-19Janis JoplinMercedes Benz
DEDCDNCE_TTW-06Dead Can DanceThe Wind That Shakes the Barley [Live]
BOOGNITE_ST1-01John C. Reilly & Mark WahlbergIntro (Feel The Heat)
VERVE____U01-11Billie HolidayStrange Fruit
DTRANDOM_011-15Cheech & ChongDave
POWERTRK_110-13David EssexRock On
ERICCLAP_UNP-09Eric ClaptonWalkin' Blues [Unplugged]
CORBLIMY_TEN-05DJ Cor Blimey and His PigeonDas Knurren
CORBLIMY_TEN-10DJ Cor Blimey and His PigeonHow to Check Your Own Turntable
AXEMURDR_ST1-05Mike MyersThis Poem Sucks
DTRANDOM_001-12Alan Menken & Howard AshmanKiss the Girl
KENBJAZZ_ST1-15Sarah Vaughan And Her TrioThey Can't Take That Away From Me
OBROTHER_ST1-01James Carter & The PrisonersPo Lazarus
POWEROF1_ST1-11The Bulawayo Church ChoirWangal Unozipho
DTRANDOM_006-04James BaskettZip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
FUHLRBDJ_BEL-13Cor Fuhler & Han Bennink & Wilbert De JoodeCordial 68224 Etc.
DTRANDOM_005-08Muddy WatersRollin' Stone
POWERTRK_091-18Harry Connick, Jr.Let's Call the Whole Thing Off
DENLEARY_LNL-15Denis LearyFat Fucks
RESVDOGS_ST1-08Quentin Tarantino & Harvey Keitel & Steve Buscemi & Lawrence TierneyMadonna Speech
LTNITEJZ_003-08Carmen McRaeBillie's Blues
SPINALTP_BFD-14Spinal TapCeltic Blues
JAZZICON_003-04Bill EvansKnow What I Mean
CORKYJPG_STD-15Corky & The Juice PigsGameshow 2
DTRANDOM_007-20Imogen HeapI'm a Lonely Little Petunia (In an Onion Patch)
DENLEARY_LNL-17Denis LearyMy Kids
RAFFI____BBB-08RaffiOver in the Meadow
DENLEARY_LNL-06Denis LearyCoffee
OBROTHER_ST1-04Alison KraussDown to the River to Pray
VERVE____S1B-04Lionel HamptonFlyin' Home
OBROTHER_ST1-18Fairfield FourLonesome Valley
MNTYPYTH_GH1-04Monty PythonPenis Song
FUHLRBDJ_BEL-04Cor Fuhler & Han Bennink & Wilbert De JoodeBellagram
ROMEOJUL_ST1-09Quindon TarverEverybody's Free
DEDCDNCE_TTW-13Dead Can DanceTristan [Live]
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DENLEARY_LNL-19Denis LearyFuck the Pope
SIMPSONS_SKS-20The SimpsonsHoney Roasted Peanuts
ULTLOUNG_001-19The Double Six of ParisFrench Rat Race
FULLSWNG_002-13Frank SinatraFly Me to the Moon
MNTYPYTH_LV1-18Monty PythonElection Special
DENLEARY_LNL-12Denis LearyPresident Leary
DENLEARY_LNL-07Denis LearyBeer
HOTSTUFF_009-19Adam SandlerGrow Old With You
MNTYPYTH_GH1-08Monty PythonFinland
FAMLYGUY_LV1-13Family Guy CastOne Boy
FAMLYGUY_LV1-02Family Guy CastTheme From 'Family Guy'
PULPFICT_ST1-14John Travolta & Samuel L. JacksonPersonality Goes a Long Way
DTRANDOM_008-11Archie Bell & The DrellsTighten Up
KENBJAZZ_ST1-17Horace SilverDoodlin'
FUHLRBDJ_BEL-03Cor Fuhler & Han Bennink & Wilbert De JoodeWanna Buy a Conundrum Tomtomtomtit Hanky?
FUHLRBDJ_BEL-09Cor Fuhler & Han Bennink & Wilbert De JoodeCrikeyboards
CORKYJPG_STD-04Corky & The Juice PigsGameshow 1
WYNTMARS_ST1-05Wynton MarsalisNew Orleans
POWERTRK_036-19Harry Connick, Jr.Recipe for Love
POWERTRK_062-17Elvis PresleyHeartbreak Hotel
WYNTMARS_RTM-17Wynton MarsalisFire In The Night
VERVE____S1D-07Joe WilliamsEvery Night
DENLEARY_LNL-02Denis LearyAsshole of the Dance
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POWERTRK_125-16Bob & Doug McKenzieTwelve Days of Christmas
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ULTLOUNG_A05-06Julie LondonMakin' Whoopee
FAMLYGUY_LV1-03Family Guy CastBabysitting Is a Bum Deal
HOLYCOLE_TMP-10Holly ColeI Don't Wanna Grow Up
RESVDOGS_ST1-13Harvey Keitel & Tim RothLet's Get a Taco
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