Song Information
Song Artist(s):Moxy Fruvous
Song Title:My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors

Album Information

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1990s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Well you should see my story reading baby, you should hear the things that she says,
She says "Hon, drop dead, I'd rather go to bed with Gabriel Garcia Marquez."

(Mike in funny voice)

Cuddle up with William S. Burrows, leave on the light for Bell Hooks,
I've been flirtin' with Pierre Burton 'cause he's so smart in his books

I like to go out dancing,
My baby loves a bunch of authors
My heart's so broke and bleedin'
Baby's just sitting there
doing some reading

So I started watching some TV, played my new cd player too,
She said: "Turn it off or I'll call the cops and I'll throw the book at you."
All this arguing made me get dizzy, called my doctor to come have a look
I said: "Doctor hurry!" He said:
"Don't worry, I'll be over when I finish my book"

I like to go out dancing,
My baby loves a bunch of authors
We've been livin in hovels
Spendin' all our money on
brand new novels

So I got myself on a streetcar and it drove right into someone,
You know the driver said:

(Jian in grizzly voice)
"I was lookin' straight ahead!"

But he was reading the Toronto Sun


So my honey and me go to a counsellor to help figure out what we need
She said: "We'll get your love growing,

(Mike, in funny Dr. Ruth voice)
but before we get going, here's some books I'd like you to read."

I like to go out dancing,
My baby loves a bunch of authors
Lately we've had some fricton
'Cause my baby's hooked on
short works of fiction

So we split and went to a party, some friends my girl said she knew
But what a sight 'cause it's authors night and the place looks like a who's who

Now I'm pounding the ouzo

with Mario Puzo

Who's a funny fella?

W.P. Kinsella

Who brought the cat?

Would Margeret Atwood?

Who needs a shave?

He's Robertson Davies!

Ondaatje started a food fight, salmon mousse all over the scene

Spilled some dressing on Doris Lessing, these writer types are a scream!

I like to go out dancing,
My baby loves a bunch of authors
We'll be together for ages
Eatin' and Sleepin' and
(Jian in grizzly voice)
Eatin' and Sleepin' and
(Mike in funny Dr. Ruth voice)
Eating und Sleeping und
Turnin' pages.


From the Liner:
(Mike-vocals; Murray-vocals, bass, spring muffler; Jean-vocals, sheet metal, snare; Dave-lead vocal, guitar)

Track Information
Measured Time:2:34
Traktor Peak dB:-0.668
Traktor Perceived dB: 1.519

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:111.9
Traktor BPM: 111.9 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:B m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:4e3d7d15-113f-d5bb-0a51-90b4fd7e33e7

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Moxy Früvous
Song Title:My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors
First Release Year:1992

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