Song Information
Song Artist(s):Bif Naked
Song Title:Daddy's Getting Married

Album Information
Album:Hott Rocks 007

Track Classification
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
my mamma followed her lover to India
the mongoose and the roti walla on your front porch
tear me from a growling tigers mouth
from then on I'm in love
don't ask me how i am today
don't wanna talk about it
don't ask what the matter is
todays the big day

Daddy's getting married
Mama wipe yer tears away
my daddy'd getting married
i dont know what to say
my daddy's getting married
today's the big day
my daddy's getting married
mama wipe yer tears away

Nice mommy and daddy tell me to drink my milk
don't draw moustaches on my sisters barbies
sit on the potty till you go little girl
I learned to smoke cigarettes in Kentucky, y'all
don't ask me how i am today
don't wanna talk about it
don't ask what the matter is
todays the big day

Daddy's getting married
Mama wipe yer tears away
my daddy'd getting married
i dont know what to say
my daddy's getting married
today's the big day
my daddy's getting married
mama wipe yer tears away

Never really felt weird or anything
things like this happen even to me
wedding cake rotting in the grave yard
drowning dreams like puppies in the sea
todays the big day

Daddy's getting married
Mama wipe yer tears away
my daddy'd getting married
today's the big day
my daddy's getting married
mama wipe yer tears away

Track Information
Published Time:3:54
Measured Time:3:54
Traktor Peak dB:-0.384
Traktor Perceived dB:-0.711

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM: 83.7
Traktor BPM: 83.7 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:C m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:8410ed78-3e5f-9b84-0c3f-80772b5487ac

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Bif Naked
Song Title:Daddy's Getting Married
First Release Year:1994

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
OURLADYP_CLM-08Our Lady PeaceHello Oskar
SPINALTP_BFD-16Spinal TapWarmer Than Hell
CHRRADIO_160-18Rodney AtkinsCleaning This Gun (Come on Boy)
RADIO204_03A-16Melissa EtheridgeBreathe
PEARLJAM_YLD-01Pearl JamBrain of J.
MUSE_____BHR-11MuseKnights of Cydonia
HOTTROCK_023-03Black LabWash It Away
RHYTMR08_011-01Katy PerryHot N Cold [Jason Nevins Radio Edit]
SWEET____GH1-10The SweetLost Angels
CHRRADIO_247-16State of ShockHave A Nice Day
CHRRADIO_098-1554-40Easy to Love
CHRRADIO_096-16The Used & My Chemical RomanceUnder Pressure
CHRRADIO_206-06Adam LambertWhataya Want From Me
QNSRYCHE_PRM-10QueensrycheOne More Time
CHRRADIO_120-15Idle SonsTell Me
BIGSHINY_002-04Smash MouthWalkin' on the Sun
CULT_____GH1-08The CultLove Removal Machine
MOTORHED_GH1-11MotorheadDamage Case
CHRRADIO_216-13Our Lady PeaceDreamland
PEARLJAM_YLD-12Pearl JamPush Me, Pull Me
HOTTROCK_022-15The Matthew Good BandEverything Is Automatic
CHRRADIO_159-16Collective SoulAll That I Know
BARENKDL_STN-05Barenaked LadiesLeave
CHRRADIO_153-05Simple PlanWhen I'm Gone
RETRO80S_001-13R.E.M.The One I Love
DTRANDOM_037-06Montgomery GentryHell Yeah
RADIO099_05B-08Gay DadJoy
RADIO204_01A-12Blink-182Feeling This
BIGSHN90_01A-15BushEverything Zen
RADIO203_10A-01Hilary DuffSo Yesterday
HOTTROCK_008-18Seven Mary ThreeMy My
BARENKDL_STN-10Barenaked LadiesWho Needs Sleep?
HOTTROCK_009-03WeezerEl Scorcho
HOTTROCK_012-11SpacekidA Million Potsies
CHRRADIO_166-04Fall Out Boy Featuring John MayerBeat It
CHRRADIO_186-06PinkPlease Don't Leave Me
HOTTROCK_017-05VibrolushBridge Over Me
PEARLJAM_YLD-07Pearl JamDo the Evolution
RADIO098_04A-02Matchbox TwentyReal World
POBO1997_001-16TonicIf You Could Only See
U2_______GH2-01U2Even Better Than the Real Thing
DTRANDOM_035-03The CallingWherever You Will Go
RADIO200_04A-13HansonIf Only
BIGSHINY_006-14Bif NakedI Love Myself Today
CHRRADIO_107-12Our Lady PeaceAngels Losing Sleep
JOOLSHLD_GH1-02Jools HollandBeatroute
GHANDARV_S4S-06The GandharvasWatching the Girl
WOMNSONG_007-12LillixIt's About Time
WEEZER___STD-08WeezerIn the Garage
CHRRADIO_146-14State of ShockMoney Honey
CHRRADIO_222-15Ozzy OsbourneLife Won't Wait
CHRRADIO_172-20Doc WalkerThat's All
CHRRADIO_158-05KT TunstallSaving My Face
RADIO098_07A-10Harvey DangerFlagpole Sitta
JESUSJNS_LIQ-14Jesus JonesI Don't Want That Kind of Love
CHRRADIO_117-17Blue OctoberHate Me
POBO1997_003-05The OddsSomeone Who's Cool
DTRANDOM_037-07Aaron PritchettHold My Beer
SHANIATW_GH1-13Shania TwainYou Win My Love
BIGSHN90_01A-07The Matthew Good BandIndestructible
WEEZER___STD-06WeezerSurf Wax America
RADIO204_07A-07Counting CrowsAccidentally in Love
TWSTSIST_GH1-03Twisted SisterI Am (I'm Me)
OURLADYP_CLM-10Our Lady PeaceThe Story of 100 Aisles
CHRRADIO_184-05Eva AvilaDamned
MUSE_____BHR-09MuseCity of Delusion
RADIO203_03A-05Melanie CHere It Comes Again