Song Information
Song Artist(s):The Rolling Stones
Song Title:Street Fighting Man

Album Information
Album:Dance Time - Random Tracks - 007

Track Classification
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock/Pop

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Ev'rywhere I hear the sound of marching, charging feet, boy
'Cause summer's here and the time is right for fighting in the street, boy
But a-what can a poor boy do
'Cept to sing for a rock 'n' roll band
'Cause in sleepy London town
There's just no place for a street fighting man, no

Hey, think the time is right for a palace revolution
'Cause where I live the game to play is compromise solution
Well then what can a poor boy do
'Cept to sing for a rock 'n' roll band
'Cause in sleepy London town
There's no place for a street fighting man, no
Get down!

Hey, said my name is called disturbance
I'll shout and scream, I'll kill the king, I'll rail at all his servants
And then what can a poor boy do
'Cept to sing for a rock 'n' roll band
'Cause in sleepy London town
There's no place for a street fighting man, no
Get down!

Track Information
Published Time:3:16
Measured Time:3:16
Traktor Peak dB:-0.162
Traktor Perceived dB: 1.019

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:128.2
Traktor BPM: 128.9 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:D m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:1f5af15a-5b38-6a69-0367-f8b482a7a1e9

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:The Rolling Stones
Song Title:Street Fighting Man
First Release Year:1968

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
AXEMURDR_ST1-07The Darling BudsLong Day in the Universe
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DTRANDOM_009-05Sly & The Family StoneStand
ALIAS____STD-06AliasWhat to Do
DVCLARK5_GH1-23The Dave Clark FiveNa-Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye
BRGHTRCK_TDB-02Brighton RockOutlaw
BRGHTRCK_TDB-11Brighton RockUnlease the Rage
VANHALEN_FUC-11Van HalenTop of the World
SAGA_____GH1-10SagaCat Walk
HNYMNSTE_MUB-11Honeymoon SuiteStand Alone
DURNDURN_MED-03Duran DuranElectric Barbarella
DTRANDOM_011-12U2Everlasting Love
POWERTRK_115-05The Icicle WorksWhisper to a Scream (Birds Fly)
GUNSROSE_IL1-11Guns N' RosesThe Garden
BRGHTRCK_TDB-05Brighton RockRide the Rainbow
QNSRYCHE_EMP-09QueensrycheHand on Heart
KONKAN___VDA-02Kon KanSinful Wishes
ALIAS____STD-09AliasOne More Chance
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TRIUMPH__EOE-09TriumphSomewhere Tonight
BELINDAC_GH1-06Belinda CarlisleLeave a Light On
STARSHIP_GH1-06StarshipDon't Lose Any Sleep
POWERTRK_170-13Mr. MisterIs It Love
DTRANDOM_022-01Nelson(Can't Live Without Your) Love And Affection
POWERTRK_161-01BostonPeace of Mind
RADIO099_06A-02Def LeppardPromises
BOBGLDOF_GH1-05The Boomtown RatsNever in a Million Years
ZZTOP____REC-03ZZ TopPenthouse Eyes
POWERTRK_108-09Soul AsylumRunaway Train
PEARLJAM_TEN-06Pearl JamJeremy
SPIRTWST_GOF-09Spirit of the WestPolitical
BRYADAMS_RCK-05Bryan AdamsSomebody
POWERTRK_047-12Dwight YoakamSuspicious Minds
PLATBLND_GH1-09Platinum BlondeChaperone Sally
HNYMNSTE_MUB-08Honeymoon SuiteMiracle
SWEET____GH1-07The SweetFox on the Run
RADIO203_02A-13Vanessa CarltonPretty Baby
POWERTRK_118-10Duran DuranOrdinary World
STEPWOLF_GH1-12SteppenwolfJupiter's Child
BRGHTRCK_TDB-10Brighton RockShootin for Love
POWERTRK_102-07Del AmitriRoll to Me
POWERTRK_150-05World on EdgeStill Beating
DTRANDOM_020-13Jane WiedlinRush Hour
SMITHS___GH2-09The SmithsThat Joke Isn't Funny Anymore
ESSENTLS_005-08The JamBeat Surrender
POWERTRK_086-15Traveling WilburysHandle With Care
BRGHTRCK_TDB-06Brighton RockRebels With a Case
GLASSTIG_SMP-03Glass TigerLet's Talk
AXEMURDR_ST1-10Sun 60Maybe Baby
ASIA_____THN-06AsiaDays Like These
5440_____GH1-0254-40Over My Head
GENESIS__WCD-07GenesisTell Me Why
PETSHOPB_GH1-04Pet Shop BoysSuburbia
MIKEMECH_STD-02Mike + The MechanicsAll I Need Is a Miracle
SMPLMIND_GH1-04Simple MindsSanctify Yourself
ASIA_____THN-02AsiaHeat of the Moment
ARMAGEDN_ST1-06Shawn ColvinWhen the Rainbow Comes
JAYMZBEE_CTL-11Jaymz BeeSunglasses at Night
HAYWIRE__GET-10HaywireOne Heart
HNYMNSTE_MUB-01Honeymoon SuiteSay You Don't Know Me
DPPURPLE_GH1-03Deep PurpleFireball
HOTTRACK_014-15Take ThatPray
AEROSMTH_PMP-04AerosmithMonkey on My Back
POWERTRK_168-13Johnny Hates JazzShattered Dreams
HOTTRACK_010-17Martina McBrideWild Angels
ULTMSOUL_XMS-09The SupremesSanta Claus Is Coming to Town
TRIUMPH__SUR-02TriumphNever Say Never
RADIO099_11B-16Martine McCutcheonLove Me
PARTYTIM_005-16AmazuluMontego Bay
BADCMPNY_HCT-08Bad CompanyLittle Angel
ALIAS____STD-02AliasHaunted Heart
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HAYWIRE__DJS-06HaywireHard Reaction
PETSHOPB_GH1-15Pet Shop BoysWhere the Streets Have No Name (I Can't Take My Eyes Off You)