Hi! This is Alice Izsak's page

I am a recent PhD graduate from the Department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. My graduation date was May, 2017.

I was supervised by Joel Friedman. My research interests include spectral graph theory, algorithms, complexity theory.

Contact me at aizsak@cs.ubc.ca


    Gapped Sheaves

    J. Friedman, A. Izsak and L. Silberman.

    In preparation.

    Abelian Girth

    J. Friedman, A. Izsak and L. Silberman.

    In preparation.

    Carry Propagation In Multiplication by Constants

    A. Izsak and N. Pippenger.

    ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG), 7.4 (2011): 54.


Other Research

    Abelian Girth and Gapped Sheaves

    A. Izsak.

    (Doctoral Dissertation) University of British Columbia, Vancouver.


    Are Societies Agreeable?

    F. Su, K. Huff and A. Izsak.

    Presented at American Mathematical Society (AMS) Special Session on Voting Theory, 2008. Presented by F. Su.
