Teaching an Art? It’s a Science!


Bruce Holtby
Computer Systems Technology

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology



The two complaints that seem to be made the most often by students are that their instructors can’t seem to teach or that they don’t seem to know what they are teaching. Teaching requires a myriad of skills that fall into two distinct areas: pedagogical skill and technical knowledge (or skill). Teachers with excellent qualities in both are a rarity.  But both, to some extent are required, but at what level?

This paper proposes a framework that can be used to help determine the minimum level of pedagogical and technical skills any instructor needs to be effective in the delivery of any course regardless of content or difficulty level.

There has been a lot of research done on the need for both technical skills and pedagogical skills to be an effective instructor, but there seems to have been no one who has tried to establish a relationship between the two.

Using a standard mathematical inverse relationship this paper shows how using a set of easily established variables the relationship between pedagogical and technical skills can be calculated, plotted and then used to determine the suitability of an instructor’s skills.

The framework has the built in capability to cope with those courses that are “conceptual” as well as “technical” and allows for differing levels of complexity of the material being delivered as well as the skill set of the audience receiving the training.

Lastly, the paper uses the empirical results of other studies to show how the framework can model those results to effectively demonstrate the feasibility of the framework.

Keywords: pedagogical skill, technical skill, skills framework, content expert 

1. Introduction

Why is it that students always seem to be complaining? My school age children complain about their teachers, my work colleagues complain about their professional development trainers, my own students complain to me about their other instructors. Why all the complaining? My own experience shows that once we ignore all the standard student complaints about too much work, assignments being too hard, not enough time and so on, that the two major complaints from students seem to be that their instructors don’t know how to teach and that their instructors don’t know enough about what they are teaching (their technical skills are limited).

These two complaints raise the fundamental question of whether a good instructor must be both a technical specialist and a pedagogical expert. These two skills have a wide range of expertise. Any given instructor can demonstrate very little to a lot of pedagogic skill and at the same time appear to have from technical or content expertise ranging from none to being a master of the field. What is the most desirable combination of these two skills to form the perfect instructor? Does the skill set needed by the instructor depend on the content being taught, the environment in which the material is being delivered, or the skills and knowledge of the student body being taught?

What is needed is a framework to help determine the minimum but optimum combination of technical and pedagogic skills required for an instructor to teach any given course and to be successful.

2. Supporting Ideas

The basis of the framework is that technical and pedagogic skills cannot and should not be separated. My experience shows that when they are combined they form a synergy far greater than either by itself. In their paper, “Developing a teaching style: A dilemma for student teachers”, Onslow, B., Beynon, C. & Geddis, A. (1992) indicate that the traditional preparation of novice teachers has concentrated on two distinct areas, “content knowledge and general pedagogical skills” (p. 303) and that the pedagogic skills can be generic and largely independent of the material being taught. However, Onslow et. al. also contrast this with Shuman (1986 as cited by Onslow et. al., 1992, p. 303) who “[drew] attention to the need to abandon this simplistic assumption and to pay more attention to the ways in which pedagogy and subject matter interact.” Onslow et. al. also state that a teacher’s expertise can be tied to their ability to “transform subject matter knowledge” (p. 303) such that the students can learn it. Onslow et. al. indicate that Shuman calls this “pedagogical content knowledge” (Shuman 1986 as cited by Onslow et. al., 1992,  p. 303). Onslow et. al. also write:

This pedagogical content knowledge is in some sense a result of the interaction of content and pedagogy. It is knowledge about the content that is derived from consideration of how best to teach it (p. 304).

Hativa, in her paper, “Becoming a better teacher: A case of changing the pedagogical knowledge and beliefs of law professors” (2000) supports this idea as well. She discusses several details of inappropriate thinking and perceptions that can reduce the effectiveness of an instructor. A relevant misconception presented by Hativa is that teaching is just the transmission of knowledge. She wrote, “Instructors taking this view believe that to teach well all that is needed is good knowledge of the material” (Berman et. al., 1988, as cited by Hativa, 2000, p. 494). This coincides with my experience in that instructors have been hired based on their content skills without much regard for their teaching skills. The instructors receive their own “training” in how to “teach” but in my case it was several months after I first began teaching my students.

In his book, “The tutorial process”, Barrows (1988) appears to be adamant that the synergy between pedagogic and technical skills is required. He states, “there is no question that the ideal circumstance is for the tutor to be expert both as a tutor and in the discipline being studied by the students” (p. 43). However, this is not always possible, or practical. In this case Barrows wrote, “the next best tutor is the teacher who is good at being a tutor … though not an expert in the field” (p. 43). Actually Barrows seems to feel so strongly about this that he states, “the skill of the tutor is the backbone … it is not acceptable [his bolding] to have a teacher who is an expert in the area of study, but a weak tutor” (p. 44). The implication here is that of the two sets of skills the pedagogic skills are the more important of the two.

So it seems apparent that the instructor must know the content as well as be a good instructor. But what exactly does it mean to be a good instructor? The literature indicates that the skills required are more than just classroom management, material delivery, and time management skills. Hativa (2000) adds that important traits in this area include “having positive self-regard, self esteem, energy and enthusiasm, and positive view of others; being sociable, gregarious, friendly, and agreeable” (Feldman 1986, as cited by Hativa, 2000, p. 492). As well Hativa indicates that Murray et. al. researched the following capabilities as part of teaching: “leadership, … liberalism, supportiveness, intellectual curiosity, [and] endurance” (Murray et. al., 1990, as cited by Hativa, 2000, p. 492). Hativa also describes further details of her ideas around inappropriate thinking and perceptions about teaching. First was the mistaken belief that adapting instruction to suit the students’ capabilities is somehow reducing the level of the teaching. She wrote that teachers “resist adapting instruction to the rate and level of understanding of their students because they believe that one cannot teach good science by simplifying it for the students” (p. 495). Second was the false impression that students are solely responsible for their own learning. Hativa states that teachers with this impression reject any responsibility for the success or failure of their students. These traits obviously don’t coincide with those described elsewhere in her paper. Hativa seems to imply that the teachers must take a very active part in the learning of their students. She seems to indicate that they must teach at a level with which the students can learn and also to accept some responsibility for the student’s learning. I agree strongly with both Barrows and Hativa that to be effective an instructor must have a suitable set of pedagogic skills.

But what about the level of technical expertise required? My experience as an instructor clearly indicates that the instructor must know, and be competent at, a minimum level of content if he or she is to teach it effectively. The students are very aware of when an instructor does not know the material. Unfortunately, the students become skeptical of any of their instructor’s abilities if they sense a lacking in technical knowledge. Hativa (2000) seems to concur and relates it back to a behaviour of the instructor. She wrote, “students may interpret teacher shyness or insecure behaviour as an indication of having … insufficient command of the material” (p. 493).

Page, G., Pachev, G., & Schreiber, W. (2001) in their study of student learning and the content expertise of the tutors at the University of British Columbia in 1997 stated the following expectations based on current literature they had researched (Schmidt & Moust, 1995, and others, as cited by Page et. al., (2001) p. 1):

·        The level of content knowledge of the tutor improves student learning and the learning process.

·        To be effective, tutors must have both pedagogical skills and content expertise.

·        Content expertise is a pre-requisite of the tutor performing well pedagogically as described by Barrows (1988).

I don’t believe that this is what Barrows intended and so this statement seems to be a misinterpretation of Barrows. Barrows (1988) as stated earlier, appears to be adamant that pedagogic skills are more important than technical skills.

In their conclusion, Page et. al. state “student achievement … does not appear to be a function of [the] level of … tutor content expertise” (p. 6) and that “the results of this study do not support those of other recent studies showing that tutor content expertise enhances student learning” (p. 6).

In another paper based on the same University of British Columbia study, Pachev, G., Broudo, M., & Walsh, C. (2001) when evaluating the tutors also make reference to Barrows (1988). It seems they also misinterpret him. Pachev et. al. state “one can expect that tutors that are content expert will be better than non-experts at providing guidance, modeling reasoning and critical thinking skills” (p. 1). In their conclusion they wrote, “high content-expert tutors … were better than the other [low-expertise] tutors in modeling and fostering reasoning and communication skills” (p. 6). These are not content skills as I see them but rather are pedagogic skills. I think that this study and the two subsequent papers set out hoping to show that content is the more important of the two skill sets. They appear to have inadvertently used pedagogic skills in support of technical expertise. I don’t believe the study or papers achieved the goal of showing that technical skills are the more important. However, I do believe the study and two papers have helped to confirmed what others have already surmised – both technical and pedagogic skill is required to tutor or instruct effectively.

But not all instructors can be great both technically and pedagogically. However, they all do fit on the continuum of technical and pedagogic skill combined. Where an instructor fits will depend on their skills and knowledge. Hativa (2000) wrote that “university professors tend to be differentially suited to different types of courses rather than uniformly effective or ineffective in all courses” (Murray et. al., 1990, as cited by Hativa, 2000, p. 492) and that this “compatibility of teachers with courses is determined in part by personality characteristics” (ibid).

3. The Framework

So exactly what does this continuum of technical and pedagogic skills look like?

3.1 The Continuum

Figure 1 shows the continuum, which depicts a two-dimensional context that shows the cross between pedagogic and technical skills. Pedagogic skill is shown as low at the bottom of the continuum increasing until it becomes high at the top of the continuum. Similarly, technical skill is low to the left and increases to the right. Where the two lines cross in the middle of the continuum an instructor could be considered average in both skills.

3.2 Minimum Skill Levels

The literature seems to indicate that a minimum level of pedagogic skill is required (Hativa, 2000, and Barrows, 1988). This level of skill is shown in Figure 2 by the dotted line labeled “Minimum Pedagogy”. This level is arbitrary and needs to be set based on the material being delivered and the student body receiving it. An instructor with skills less than this level would be unsuitable or unsuccessful as an instructor for any course requiring this minimum level.

Similarly, the minimum level of technical skill is also shown on the continuum. This level of skill is shown by a dotted line on Figure 2 and is labeled “Minimum Technical”. Again, anything less than the minimum would be insufficient. 

Hence, the gray area in the continuum indicates where an instructor’s skills must lie in the continuum if the instructor is to be successful for any course requiring those two minimum levels.

3.2 The Skill Sets

This continuum can be tailored to suit any teaching context such as workplace, college, or school. It is independent of the material being taught and so can be adapted to any course or learning situation.

Having said this, the minimum skill levels need to be established according to both the learning setting and the material to be delivered.

The pedagogic skills include those cited by Hativa (ibid) and include, but are not limited to:

·         Positive self-regard

·         Self esteem

·         Energy and enthusiasm

·         Positive view of others

·         Sociable, gregarious, friendly and agreeable

·         Capable leadership

·         Liberalism

·         Supportiveness

·         Intellectual curiosity, and

·         Endurance.


The minimum level of pedagogic skill can be measured on a scale of one to ten (1 – 10) and is made up of the aggregate of ratings for the skills listed above. This minimum level can then be plotted on the continuum.


The minimum technical skill level is more difficult to describe here other than to say that it is content specific and must be set by the content experts assigning or preparing the material for each specific course. Note that the same aggregate rating of these skills can be used to set the minimum technical level on a scale of one to ten that can then also be plotted on the continuum.


3.3 Variations in Minimum Skill Levels

Not all courses require the same skills sets. Not all courses or material to be taught require the same level of detail either. Some courses may be more technical but not necessarily more difficult. For example there are courses that I will call  “technical” such as computer programming, structural engineering, science (especially chemistry), medicine, and many others. These types of courses tend to rely more on rules, formulas and calculations, and tend to be inflexible in their technical content and knowledge requirements. At the other end of the content spectrum there are courses that are very much “conceptual” based. These include content such as management, leadership, counseling, customer / personnel relations, arts, liberal arts, and the humanities, as well as many others. These courses typically have fewer rules, and are more flexible in the way the material is taught and learnt.

The continuum supports both types of courses through shifts in the levels of minimum pedagogic and technical skills. Figure 3 compares two courses with differing levels of “technical” and “conceptual” contents. For clarity, the minimum level lines (dotted) have been removed.

The “technical” course has a much higher minimum technical level but lower minimum pedagogical level. This means the course will concentrate more on rules and fixed skills. In contrast the “conceptual” course has a much higher minimum pedagogic level and lower minimum technical level and will concentrate more on the flexibility of concepts rather than rules. Note how this changes the shape of the gray defining areas for an acceptable instructor.

Also note the overlap of the two gray-hatched areas showing the two skills sets. An instructor in this area would be able to teach both courses successfully.

3.4 The Optimum Instructor Line

It is not enough to have a “gray area“ in which an instructor falls. The continuum further provides a line of best fit for determining the optimum combination of pedagogic and technical skills required by the successful instructor.

This line is mathematically equivalent to an inverse function. It is based on the framework variables already identified as well as those of the instructor being rated against the continuum. The Optimum Instructor Line is determined as follows:

PSR – MPS = CD / (TSR – MTS)      (which represents the inverse equation of y = 1 / x)


          PSR    is the Pedagogic Skill Required by the instructor

          MPS    is the Minimum Pedagogic Skill for the material being taught

          CD      is the Content Difficulty of the material being taught (see next section)

          TSR    is the Technical Skill Required by the instructor

          MTS    is the Minimum Technical Skill required for the material being taught

As previously shown the Minimum Pedagogic Skill (MPS) and the Minimum Technical Skill (MTS) need to be established by the developers of the material in concert with the assessors of the success of the training. These values could conceivably be different for every course or set of materials being delivered.

The Pedagogic Skill Required (PSR) by the instructor and the Technical Skill Required (TSR) by the instructor can be established by rating the instructor using the same instrument that was used to set the course minimum requirements.

Figure 4 shows the continuum with an Optimum Instructor Line shown.


3.5 Course Content Difficulty or Learning Level Expectations

There will be courses where the minimum levels of the two skill sets are consistent but the difficulty of the material being taught is different. An example of this may be two courses where basic mathematics sets the minimum technical level but one course is teaching a higher level of mathematics while the other course is teaching the mathematics required for a nuclear physics degree.

Also the expected level of learning by the audience may vary for two courses that have the same minimum requirement levels. An example would be where the one course is expecting the audience to leave with an understanding of the new material while the second course expects the audience to be expert and the end of the course.

The continuum supports these two variations through its Content Difficulty parameter in the Optimum Instructor Line equation. This parameter shift the Optimum Instructor line either up or down depending on the necessary requirement. Figure 5 shows several different Optimum Instructor lines with varying Content Difficulties but which all have the same minimum pedagogic and technical skill levels.


3.6 Comparing Instructors and Courses Using the Optimum Instructor Lines

The following table describes three instructors teaching two different courses and how they compare to each other based on their places on the Optimum Instructor Lines. The instructors are shown as A, B and C on Figure 6. The three instructors are fictitious and have been set to demonstrate the various aspects of the framework.

Note that both courses have the same minimum pedagogic and technical skill requirements.


Content Difficulty Line


Line 1:

Higher content difficulty of the two courses.

Instructors A and B both lie on this line and so would potentially have the same success at teaching this level of content difficulty. A has less technical skill than B but has more pedagogic skill. Conversely, B has more technical skill but less pedagogic skill than A. Note that both have more than the minimum required for both pedagogic and technical skills.

Instructor C has the same technical skills as A, but has less pedagogic skills than A. Similarly C has the same pedagogic skills as B but less technical skill. Hence in both cases C would not be as successful in teaching the same content difficulty as A and B. This is shown on the continuum in that C is not on the same content difficulty line as A and B. Note that C lies to the left and / or lower than the line on which A and B lie.

Line 2:

Lower content difficulty of the two courses.

The line on which Instructor C lays shows a continuum of pedagogic and technical skills at which C would potentially be successful as an instructor.

In contrast, A has the same technical skills as C but much higher pedagogic skills. Similar B has the same pedagogic skills as C but much higher technical skills. In both cases A and B would be better instructors for this level of content difficulty. This is shown on the continuum in that both A and B are to the right and / or above the line on which C lies.

Another aspect of the continuum is the concept of the law of diminishing returns. This basically means that even a large increase in either pedagogic or technical skill only allows for a much smaller decrease in the corresponding skill. The opposite of this is that if a particular instructor has only a slightly lower level of technical skill than a colleague then the first instructor must have significantly more pedagogic skill to overcome this deficit to be an equivalently competent instructor. This is shown on the continuum by taking away a small amount of technical skill from Instructor C (move left along the Optimum Instructor Line) and see how quickly C moves up the pedagogic skills axis. By the time C reaches the same height as A the increase in pedagogic skill required is about three times the level of technical skill lost. This also applies in the opposite direction where a small loss in pedagogic skill would require a significant increase in technical skills. This relationship is directly related to the inverse properties of the continuum. The two skill sets, pedagogic and technical, are not interchangeable and depending on the instructor’s location on the Optimum Instructor Line determines the relationship between the two skill sets. As an example, an instructor who is average in both skill sets (lines in the middle of the line) can substitute a small change in one skill set with a similar small change in the other skill set. However, as the instructor moves further in one of the skill sets the corresponding change required in the other skill set grows inversely.

Further to the previous discussion on the variations between “conceptual” and “technical” courses, the proposed framework supports the integration of these two types of course materials very well. Consider the locations of instructors A and B on the continuum shown in Figure 6. Both lie on the same content difficulty line and so could potentially teach the same course regardless of content. But let’s look at their positions with respect to pedagogic and technical skills. Instructor A has many more pedagogic skill but less technical skill and so would seem to be better suited to the “conceptual” types of courses which rely less on technical details. In contrast, Instructor B has higher technical skill but fewer pedagogic skills and so may be more suited to teaching the more “technical” subjects where rules and details are more important. This seems to be supported again by Hativa (2000) when she states “university professors tend to be differentially suited to different types of courses rather than uniformly effective or ineffective in all courses” (Murray et. al., 1990, as cited by Hativa, 2000, p. 492).

Grasha (1994), in his paper “A matter of style: The teacher as expert, formal authority, personal model, facilitator, and delegator”, describes five teaching styles that he had developed through his studies of college teachers. These five styles seem to fit very nicely on the continuum and are described in the following table (p. 9-10).


“Possesses knowledge and expertise that students need. Strives to maintain status as an expert among students by displaying detailed knowledge and by challenging students to enhance their competence. Concerned with transmitting information”.

Formal Authority:

“Possesses status among students because of knowledge and role as a faculty member. Concerned with … establishing learning goals, expectations, and rules of conduct for students.”

Personal Model:

“… establishes a prototype for how to think and behave. Oversees, guides, and directs by showing how to do things, and encouraging students to observe and then to emulate the instructor’s approach.”


“Emphasizes the personal nature of teacher-student interactions… Overall goal is to develop in students the capacity for independent action and responsibility.”


“Concerned with developing students’ capacity to function autonomously… The teacher is available at the request of students as a resource person.”

As Grasha (1994) notes (p. 2), it might be tempting to categorize teachers into the five styles but this is actually not the case. Rather he says, “it became apparent that all teachers possessed each of the qualities … to varying degrees … [and] they could be blended together” (p. 2). This seems to fit very well with the continuum framework. Grasha (1994) then grouped the five styles into what he called “clusters” (p. 2) that show the way in which the styles are blended with some being used more often than others. The four clusters Grasha describes are:

·        Expert and Formal Authority. Grasha said that this blend sends the students the message that the instructor is in charge and sets the tone as neutral or “cool”. This matches the continuum area of high technical skill but low pedagogic skill where the “technical” course instructors would tend to lie.

·        Expert, Personal Model, and Formal Authority

·        Expert, Facilitator, and Personal Model

·        Expert, Facilitator, and Delegator. On the other end of the spectrum, Grasha said that this combination lets the students know that the instructor is there to consult and advise. The tone then becomes “warm” and open to discussion and participation. This matches the higher pedagogy range of the continuum relating to the “conceptual” courses.

It is very interesting that Grasha included “Expert” in all four groupings. This could indicate that having technical skill is a requirement of all instructors, which fits well with the continuum. The four groupings also cover the range of variations in pedagogic skills that lie along the continuum.

Grasha (1994) also seems to further support the concept of “technical” and “conceptual” courses. As part of his research he had asked the question “What influences your teaching style?” (p. 3). Many different responses were received but those I see directly relating to the continuum include: “The subject matter (hard sciences versus humanities), [and] Level of students (freshmen, seniors, graduate)” (p. 3).

Grasha collected empirical data from teacher surveys and statistically tabulated the results of his research. He then compared teaching styles and types of courses. The following table lists some of Grasha’s results (p. 13) that I feel particularly support the proposed framework. Note that the results are on a scale of one (1) to seven (7) where seven (7) means “very important”.



Formal Authority

Personal Model









Applied Sciences






Mathematics and / or Computer Science






These results seem to support the framework concept of “technical” and “conceptual” courses. The humanities and social sciences have higher requirements in the Facilitator and Delegator areas implying that they are “conceptual” courses whereas mathematics and the computer sciences have higher expert and formal authority numbers implying them to be “technical” subjects.

3.7 A Few Worked Examples

Based on the Optimum Instructor Line equation:

PSR – MPS = CD / (TSR – MTS) 

the Pedagogic Skill Required (PSR) and Technical Skill Required (TSR) are the variables in the equation. That is, they are the values that pertain to each individual instructor rather than to the course.

As an example, consider a course where the Minimum Pedagogic Skill is 3, the Minimum Technical Skill is 6 (this being a technical course) and the Content Difficulty is 5 (a moderately difficult course) then the equation would become:

PSR – 3 = 5 /(TSR – 6)

Applying some known instructor values we could calculate their acceptability as follows:


Technical Skills

Pedagogic Skills


With a skill level of 8

Requires a skill level of 5.5


Requires a skill level of 7

With a skill level of 8

This example demonstrates the power of the framework. With a technical skill level of 8 Instructor A only requires a pedagogic skill level of 5.5. In contrast, Instructor B with a pedagogic skill level of 8 still requires a technical skill level of 7 and not the 5.5 that may have been expected. This is because the minimum technical skill level of 6 is much higher than the 3 of the minimum pedagogic skill level required.

Compare this with another course described by the equation:

PSR – 5 = 4 /(TSR – 4)

This course, from the numbers, would be a moderately difficult “conceptual” course with some “technical” content.

Applying the same known instructor values we could calculate their acceptability as follows:


Technical Skills

Pedagogic Skills


With a skill level of 8

Requires a skill level of 6


Requires a skill level of 5.33

With a skill level of 8

Being a slightly less difficult course (4 rather than 5) Instructor A now still only requires a pedagogic skill level of 6 (rather than 5.5) even though the minimum required has increased from 3 to 5. Similarly, Instructor B now only requires a technical skill level of 5.33 (rather than 7) because the minimum is now only 4.

Note, in contrast to the first course, this course has a higher minimum pedagogic skill requirement and so Instructor A now needs more pedagogic skills than B requires in technical skills. This is the opposite of the first example.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, this paper proposed a framework for establishing the minimum but optimum combination of technical and pedagogic skills required for an instructor to teach any given course and to be successful. Current literature was reviewed and used to support the idea that it is not possible or practical to separate the technical skill levels from the pedagogic skill levels of the instructor, nor to try and look at each in isolation. It would seem appropriate that, because instructors must know the material well enough to know how to teach it but also must be able to teach regardless of how well they know the material, their pedagogic and technical skills must be considered together.

A continuum of pedagogic and technical skills was proposed in concert with content difficulty and a formula for plotting the continuum was offered and explained. Several examples were explored and compared to studies reviewed in the literature. The framework and the continuum appear to be viable. Further research is needed to determine the means and methods of determining the values used in the formula – but that will have to wait for the doctoral dissertation.


Barrows, S. (1988). The tutorial process. Springfield, Illinois: Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.

Grasha, A. (1994). A matter of style: The teacher as expert, formal authority, personal model, facilitator, and delegator. In College teaching, vol 42, issue 4 (pp 12-20).

Hativa, N. (2000). Becoming a better teacher: A case of changing the pedagogical knowledge and beliefs of law professors. In Instructional science: An international journal of learning and cognition, vol 28, nos 5-6 (pp 491-523). Dordrecht, Netherlands : Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Onslow, B., Beynon, C. & Geddis, A. (1992). Developing a teaching style: A dilemma for student teachers. In The Alberta journal of educational research, vol 38, no 4 (pp 301-15). Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta.

Pachev, G., Broudo, M., & Walsh, C. (2001). Students’ evaluation of expert vs. non-expert pbl tutors [online]. Available: http://www.health-sciences.ubc.ca/desd/expert-tutors.html (November 9, 2001).

Page, G., Pachev, G., & Schreiber, W. (2001). Level of pbl tutors’ content expertise and student learning: Are they related? [online]. Available: http://www.health-sciences.ubc.ca/desd/exp-tut-learn.html (November 9, 2001).

Bruce Holtby
Computer Systems Technology
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
11762 – 106 Street, Edmonton